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Web Editor

Learn how to edit and enhance your Reality Capturing projects in the Web Editor.

HoloBuilder's Web Editor Export OptionsExport screenshots, 360° photos, the sheet map and PDF Reports with one button.
How to work with the version history in the Web Editor to recover a previously saved project versionLearn how to retrieve older versions of your project in the Web Editor using the version history.
Working with 360 Scenes

Discover how to make the most out of 360 Scene to level up your construction progress management.

How to adjust the compass direction on your project's 360° images after capturing on the HoloBuilder Web EditorThe orientation of the 360 images depends on the compass calibration of the 360 camera - learn how to adjust it in the uploaded project.
How to manually upload 360 images in the Web EditorLearn how to add one or more 360 images manually to a project in the Web Editor to create a completely new project or add to an existing one
How to move scenes between sheetsLearn more on how to move a scene in your HoloBuilder project from one sheet to another.
How to edit Scene Settings in the Web EditorWith the scene settings, you can rotate a 360 scene, apply effects like face blur, download screenshots, and manage assets.
How to rename a 360 scene or sheet in the Web EditorLearn how to rename your 360 scenes and sheets in the HoloBuilder Web Editor.
How to add a description to your 360 imagesFind out how to add short descriptions to your scenes in the HoloBuilder web editor.
How to level your 360° photosSometimes photos are not perfectly aligned during creation depending on the positioning of the camera. Learn how to fix this in HoloBuilder.
How to Change the Default View Orientation of a Scene in HoloBuilderSet a default view to help you to set a fixed entry orientation for a 360° scene.
How to delete a 360° SceneFind out here how to delete a 360° Scene in the HoloBuilder WebEditor
Working with VideoMode in the HoloBuilder Web EditorReview and compare 360 video data recorded with Sphere XG/HoloBuilder VideoMode to have the best possible documentation.
Working with in-scene Objects

Discover how to properly utilize your in-scene objects in your HoloBuilder projects for specific needs

Working with Action Objects in the Web EditorAction objects can be used to attach and display PDF files, 2D photos and videos, play sounds or show contact information like mail or phone
How to link your 360 scenes in the web editorCreate a Streetview-like experience for your HoloBuilder project by linking the 360 scenes to an interactive tour.
How to link 2D images in the Web EditorBy inserting 2D images into scenes, you can give a more detailed view on specific aspects in the 360 image, e.g. as a close-up.
How to add Objects to a project in the Web EditorThere are many objects available that can be added to your project, from simple text over media files, like sounds or videos, to custom 3D
How to add 2D and 3D Text to your HoloBuilder projectsAdd 2D as well as 3D text to your scenes and customize them to your liking.
How to use custom textured shapesLearn how to use custom textured objects in the web editor and make the most of your HoloBuilder experience.
How to Add Custom 3D Models to Your HoloBuilder projectHoloBuilder provides an option to upload and integrate custom 3D models to enhance any 360° scene.
How to Change the Color of an Object in HoloBuilderYou can change the color of each object in the scene individually within HoloBuilder.
How to modify Objects in the Web EditorLearn how to clone, move, rotate, animate, delete or apply an action to objects in the Web Editor.
How to manage Assets in Object Groups in HoloBuilderGroup your objects to show or hide them depending on the viewers requirements.
How to animate objects in your HoloBuilder projectLearn more on how objects in your HoloBuilder project can be animated to draw more attention to them.
Sharing & Embedding Settings

Explore the many ways you can share your HoloBuilder projects to your teams, clients, and stakeholder for an immersive experience

How to share links to specific in-scene objects of your HoloBuilder projectYou can now share links of your project that lead to a specific object within the project.
Sharing and Viewing Archived HoloBuilder ProjectsKeep limited access to your inactive projects, and still be able to review and look up project data when needed.
How to share your HoloBuilder project with the Basic Share SettingsLearn how to share a basic version of the project with your clients and stakeholders.
How to create new HoloBuilder project copies with the SnapShot Add-On in the Web EditorThe HoloBuilder SnapShot feature allows you to deliberately share selected 360° photos without sharing too much of the project.
How to Share Your HoloBuilder Project with the Advanced Share SettingsUse the advanced sharing settings to share a customized view of your HoloBuilder model with clients or stakeholders.
How to set a start scene for a shared project for viewingLearn how to specifiy which 360 scene should be the start scene of your project when sharing the project with others to view.
How to share your project with enabled markupsLearn more about how to adapt your share link of the project so that it includes markups visible also for viewers.
Embedding your HoloBuilder projectsWith HoloBuilder you can easily embed your projects in your personal website with the provided iframe for the HoloPlayer.