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How to export your Markup List

All markups in a HoloBuilder project can be exported as a .CSV file to be documented and worked on outside of HoloBuilder if needed.

Anna-Azize Adami avatar
Written by Anna-Azize Adami
Updated over 8 months ago

Note: Please make sure to make the Markups also available for viewers in the Project Properties before sharing the Markups List. By default, Markups are hidden for viewers.

Highlight issues and tasks directly in your 360 images remotely or on-site. Organize the markups in a markup list to keep the overview and navigate quickly to the corresponding areas in the 360 images.

All markups created in a HoloBuilder project will be managed in the corresponding Markup List in the project in the HoloBuilder Web Editor.

Access the Markup List to export

Export the current markup list as an editable .csv file, e.g. to track progress and manage as a punch list.

  1. Open your project in the web editor. 

  2. Navigate to the Markups menu.

  3. Select the Markup List icon at the bottom. 

    Markup list menu in HoloBuilder Web Editor

  4. In the list at the bottom of the editor, you will see all your project's markups.

  5. Click on the little table icon in the upper right corner of the markup list.

  6. A .csv file will be downloaded to the on your computer specified download folder.

    Note: The CSV needs to be formatted to a different format to view and work with as a fully functioning Excel sheet - please check your options in the tool you use to open the file.

Export markup list as CSV menu in HoloBuilder Web Editor

Included information in the downloaded CSV file:

  • Title: Name or short description of the markup.

  • Description: Additional notes for the markup.

  • Sheet Location: Name of the sheet the scene containing the markup is placed in.

  • Scene Location: Name of the scene where the markup was placed in.

  • Assignee: Person in the project team the task or issue related to the Markup is assigned to.

  • Status: Indicator of what state the Markup is currently in - Open, In Progress, To Review, Resolved.

    • Note: Can be changed directly in the Markup list and the list can be filtered by this field.

  • Due Date: Date specified when a Markup should be resolved or any other updates specified in the notes should be accomplished.

  • Author: Name of the user who initially created the markup in the HoloBuilder project.

  • Created At: Date when the markup was originally created in the HoloBuilder project.

  • URL: Online link to open the Markup's position in the online HoloBuilder project.

    • Note: In order to be able to access the online position of the Markup, please consider the project's access level as well as your user role on the project.

The CSV file:

HoloBuilder markup list in CSV format

When converted to an Excel sheet format:

HoloBuilder markup list in XLS format

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