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Best Practice Guide: Web Editor

Get an overview of the most essential HoloBuilder Web Editor features to get you started on building out your customized best practices.

Written by Giancarlo Jimenez
Updated over 8 months ago

Experience the HoloBuilder Web Editor with all it has to offer. This best practice guide will show you all the amazing features that make up the Web Editor and allow you to have an easy, intuitive and efficient experience with 360° documentation of your jobsite on your PC.

Find out more about the variety of features available in the editor below.

HoloBuilder Web Editor UI

Navigate through your 360° images & sheets

Get started in the web editor by opening a project. The editor enables you to work on any project that you have access to. Add 360° images or sheetmaps and keep a close eye on your jobsite without needing to be there in person. If your/your company’s account has a dashboard, a new project can actually not be created within the web editor. The dashboard or the JobWalk App are available for creating a new project. Please refer to our best practice guide for the JobWalk App (ADD LINK) to find out how to create a project. The web editor nonetheless has all necessary features to edit, improve and augment a project. The most important tool for that is the project panel:

Project Panel

The project panel is located on the left side of your screen in the web editor. It includes all the features necessary for working with your basic project. Fill it with 360° images as well as sheets by clicking on the “+” icon at the bottom of the project panel. Here, you can add all images of the jobsite that you currently have. You can also capture the images directly on the jobsite using the HoloBuilder JobWalk App and upload the project including all captured images directly to the Web Editor.

Organize your 360° images by linking them to your sheetmaps. You can simply drag and drop a scene from the scene list to any point on a sheet displayed in the project panel. Should you want to relocate a scene from one sheet to another at some point, you can easily do so, also by drag & drop.

Organizing 360 scenes in HoloBuilder Web Editor

Scenes as well as sheets can easily be renamed. Just right-click on the respective scene/sheet in the list on the left and then select “Change Name”. We recommend naming everything distinctively to improve the overview of all scenes and sheets.


Even though distinctively naming your scenes and sheets simplifies navigating through your project, the amount of scenes & sheets can quickly rise to an unmanageable number. For this, we created various filter options, allowing you to systematically search for certain files. Click on the filter button above the scenes & sheets list and an extra filter dialog will appear. It is possible to filter by date of capture, scenes including markups/location markers and much more.

Filter menu in the HoloBuilder Web Editor


Our TimeTravel feature gives you a great opportunity for progress capturing of your project.You can capture several images for the same location over time. The TimeTravel feature lets you “travel” between those different images with just two clicks of your mouse. When looking at a scene in the editor, the box underneath the sheetmap tab displays a clock icon and next to it the time and date of capture of the currently open scene. Select this box and a dropdown with all available TimeTravel scenes of that location will appear. Just select the TimeTravel scene you would like to view and it will open in the web editor.

Using the HoloBuilder SplitScreen feature, you can even compare those different images side by side and directly compare progress made at that location.

The JobWalk Planner

Efficient team work: planning & execution of jobsite documentation made easy

The JobWalk App makes it easy to capture a jobsite, but when the site is large and the project team is big, it can be difficult to plan the capturing process ahead of time.

To remove some of the friction, we created the JobWalk Planner that lets you mark all locations to be captured before the actual JobWalk takes place.

The process is made up of 3 steps:

  1. Create location markers in the web editor at all spots on the jobsite which are to be captured within the next JobWalk:In your project, click on the sheet on which you would like to add new location markers for capturing in the list in the project panel. Then right click at the location on the displayed sheet, where a location marker should be added. Select “Create location Marker”, enter a name in the pop-up window and a yellow flag will appear on the sheetmap, marking a new spot that needs to be captured within the next JobWalk.

  2. Send your team members email notifications of the new location markers directly from within the Web Editor:When you save the project, a dialog will show up that lets you notify your team members about the added Location Marker(s). The dialog displays the name, email, and project role of all users on the project. Select all users you wish to inform about the new Location Markers by ticking the checkboxes on the left side of the list and then click “Notify”.

  3. Document all locations marked by location markers:As an on-site worker, open a project sheet in the JobWalk App and capture new images with your 360° camera at every location that is marked by a new location marker. To do so, simply tap on the location marker and select “Capture 360”.


After you have finished your capturing process, just upload the updated project to the cloud and the new images will be accessible in the web editor. This easy handover of information between the web editor and the JobWalk App allows for a fast and seamless workflow amongst all team members and on different devices.

Add objects, markups & 2D images

Extra information & notes for your 360° images

You can use the web editor not only to organize your 360° images, you can also add virtual objects, files or markups. This allows you to create virtual tours, give additional information, directly point out issues, comment on progress directly within the scenes and much more.


The web editor offers a wide variety of so called action objects that you can insert to your 360° scenes. To those you can link files, point something out or even to connect different scenes creating a virtual tour. Click on the “Objects” button in the right hand panel in the web editor. Here, you have a wide choice of different kinds of objects:

One of the most helpful ones is probably the “Go to scene” action object. It allows you to link the current scene to another. This means that, when in viewing mode, you can click on the action object and will automatically jump to the linked scene. Usually, it makes sense to connect scenes that are adjacent to each other on the actual jobsite. E.g. place a “Go to scene” object on the door that in reality also leads to the linked location. Nonetheless, you can link any scene within the project.

Other objects allow you to e.g. create custom objects, textured shapes, arrows and other action objects that link to files, email addresses or show a warning text.


Markups make it easy to point out specifics within a scene that you want to comment on. You can choose between several different shapes for marking up that spot. You will also be asked to add markup information that explains what you are trying to call attention to. If your HoloBuilder account is connected to any integrations (Procore, Autodesk etc.), it is also possible to link the markup issue with your account in the integration.

2D photos

2D images are a new feature to the web editor. They differ from objects linked to an image in that they are linked to the entire 360° scene. 2D photos are added to an extra 2D photo gallery instead of a specific spot within the 360° image. This feature allows for even more elaborate documentation and information flow.

Attaching 2D photos in HoloBuilder Web Editor

Share your project with collaborators or stakeholders

If you would like to share (part of) your project with a collaborator or stakeholder, who does not hold a HoloBuilder account, we created a different level sharing option in the web editor. They will not be able to edit the project but only have viewing rights. To share a project, just click on the share button at the top of the editor, right next to the project name. You can now easily share your project via email, with a QR-Code or copy the available share link.

Advanced Sharing Options

It is also possible to adjust your sharing options. After clicking the Share button, select “Advanced” in the dialog box. A whole variety of options are now available to adjust the project details. You can, for example, share the project with all currently applied filters, so that only certain parts of the project are being shared. Moreover, you can set a start scene and decide, which web viewer features will be available for the viewer.

Advanced sharing options in HoloBuilder Web Editor

This gives you an overview of the HoloBuilder Web Editor’s most important features. Are you ready to start capturing?

Do you have questions or feedback? Please send us an email to or talk to our support team at

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