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How to duplicate a sheet in the Web Editor

Learn more on how to duplicate a sheet in the HoloBuilder Web Editor.

Anna-Azize Adami avatar
Written by Anna-Azize Adami
Updated over a week ago

Duplicate a sheet in a couple of clicks. You can choose whether to duplicate it with or without location markers included:

Duplicating a sheet without location markers: 

  1. In the project panel of the Web Editor, located on the left side of your screen, find your list of all sheets & scenes of the project. On the sheet that you would like to duplicate, right-click with your mouse.

  2. You now have three options to choose from:
        1) Change name
        2) Duplicate (Sheet only)
        3) Duplicate with Location markers  

  3. Click Duplicate (Sheet only). A copy of the sheet will now appear in your sheets & scenes list in the project panel. None of the location markers from the original sheet will be available on the new copy. It will be a "clean" sheet, ready to work with. 

Duplicating sheet panel

NOTE: With this action you only copy the sheet itself, not any of the 360° scenes or Location Markers that are connected to the original sheet. 

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