Learn how to manage your HoloBuilder projects with the Enterprise Dashboard.
Introduction into the HoloBuilder Enterprise DashboardLearn how to get started with your your Multi-tiered Administration in the HoloBuilder Enterprise Dashboard
User Management
Enhance your user efficiency– invite collaborators, grant varied access levels, manage company projects, and more
How to invite collaborators to the company dashboardInvite collaborators to the company dashboard to grant them the right to view, edit and manage company projects.
How to make use of the bulk invite in the Company DashboardLearn how to invite many people at once to your Dashboard by sending out bulk invites per user role.
How to remove a user from the Enterprise DashboardLearn how to remove a user from the Dashboard when he is not working in your company any longer.
How to make a user an Enterprise AdminLearn more on how to make a company member an Enterprise Admin or Viewer in the HoloBuilder Dashboard.
How to remove a user from a project in the Enterprise DashboardLearn more on how you can remove a user from a specific project in your Enterprise Dashboard
How to invite collaborators to a project on project level in the Enterprise DashboardInvite new contributors directly to your HoloBuilder project via the Enterprise Dashboard
How to add a group of collaborators from one project to another existing projectLearn more about how to add a full team from one project to another already existing project in a few clicks.
Download the full HoloBuilder user directory list as CSVEasily organize your users in your HoloBuilder dashboard and export a full CSV list for even more options to manage the list.
Project Management
Manage and organize your dashboards efficiently to keep your projects up-to-date
How to create a new project in the HoloBuilder Enterprise DashboardLearn how to set up new projects in the Enterprise project and assign to existing groups
Creating a new Project with an existing member GroupYou can automatically invite complete collaborator groups from other projects to a newly created project or even existing projects.
How to delete a project from your dashboardLearn how to remove a project permanently from your HoloBuilder account if you do not wish to keep it in your archive anymore.
How to modify the project details in the DashboardLearn more about changing the project details in your Enterprise Dashboard to adjust, e.g., the project visibilty, name or assigned PM.
Project lists – view, search & organizeIn the Projects tab you can get an overview of all projects you have any access permission to that are active or already archived.
How to change the assigned group on a HoloBuilder project in the company dashboardLearn in this quick tutorial, how to change the group on your HoloBuilder project.
Transferring existing users & projects to your Enterprise AccountRead up on importing users & projects to your Enterprise account when setting up your account.
How to change the Project Manager on a projectLearn in this quick tutorial, how to change the Project Manager in the HoloBuilder Enterprise Dashboard
Download Project overview as .csvWith the .csv download button, it is possible to download an overview of all your projects in the Enterprise Dashboard as a .csv file.
How to manage your existing HoloBuilder project copies with the SnapShot Add-On in the DashboardOrganize and manage your SnapShots in the HoloBuilder Dashboard with these simple steps.
Open an Existing ProjectSelect a project in the Sphere XG Dashboard and open it in the Sphere XG Viewer
Group Management
Learn how to manage your groups with the Enterprise Dashboard
Managing Groups in the Enterprise DashboardThe Enterprise Dashboard now allows for a more flexible management of user groups, including multiple Group and Project managers
How to delete a Group in the Enterprise DashboardLearn more on how to delete a group in your Enterprise Dashboard while still assuring correct access to all projects.
How to change the assigned area for a groupChange the assigned area of one of your groups as an Enterprise Admin to allow for more projects to be created.
Download a Group overview as .csvYou can download a .csv file from the Dashboard for offline documentation or to share with stakeholders who don't have access to HoloBuilder
Company-Wide Settings & special features
Experience top company-wide settings– configure branding, manage 2D Photos, and activate integrations
How to add automated project-wide face blurring to your projectsLearn more about the automated project-wide face blurring option in the Dashboard
Company branding in the Enterprise DashboardConfigure your company branding including your logo and company URL in the dashboard to be added automatically to all your company projects.
How to enable 2D Photo capturing for all or only individual projectsFind out how you can activate and manage the 2D Photo feature for all your work or individually for specific projects in your dashboard.
How to activate integrations for your account in the DashboardActivate HoloBuilder Integrations for your HoloBuilder personal HoloBuilder account in the Enterprise Dashboard.
Increasing Privacy Through AI - Fully Automated FaceBlurringLearn about automated face blurring with AI to protect privacy on construction sites, how it works, and how to improve it in FARO Sphere XG.
Archiving & Downloading of a project
Find out how to easily archive and unarchive HoloBuilder projects with the Enterprise Dashboard for better organization.
How to archive a project in the DashboardLearn how to archive your completed HoloBuilder projects with a few simple clicks via the Enterprise Dashboard to keep it nicely organized.
How to unarchive a project in the DashboardFind out how to unarchive one of your archived company projects in the HoloBuilder Enterprise Dashboard.
JobSite Analytics
Get insights of your project's progression and maintain comprehensive oversight of your project's development
How to get more Insights with Premium Analytics on your HoloBuilder dashboardUnlock company-wide benchmarking and adoption tracking with this extensive functionality upgrade on a company level.
HoloBuilder JobSite AnalyticsYou can get better insights into how your projects develop and track the overall development of your projects.