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Project lists – view, search & organize

In the Projects tab you can get an overview of all projects you have any access permission to that are active or already archived.

Anna-Azize Adami avatar
Written by Anna-Azize Adami
Updated over 8 months ago

All company projects are to be managed and organized in the company dashboard. There are different views and options to help with this.

Navigate to your active or archived projects in the company dashboard to either organize your on-going or completed projects.

The different view types

Depending on your preferences, you can organize your project listing in a list or a tile view. To switch the view, select either the tiles icon ☷ or the list icon ☰ in the upper right corner of your dashboard’s project overview. 

Tiles view

Displays your projects as tiles including a larger project image as well as the project name, client name, project area, Group Manager, Project Manager, and the date when it was last edited. This view helps you scan your projects faster according to the project image.

List view

Displays your project in a list including the same information on the project as the tiles view. The list view helps to get a better overview, especially when looking for a specific project by name.

List view in HoloBuilder

Search project

To navigate more directly to a project, you can search for specific terms. Find the search bar at the top of the project list. There are four different categories you can search by:

  • Client name

  • Group

  • Project name

  • Project manager

Search your projects with the search bar

1. Click on the drop-down menu next to the search bar to choose how you would like to search for a project. 

Search options in HoloBuilder

2. Type in the partial or full term you are searching for into the search bar.
The displayed projects will be reduced to fit your search while typing. Reset the search by clicking the little x in the search bar.

Search categories in HoloBuilder

3. Select the project you have been looking for from the search results.

Sort project list

By default, the projects are initially sorted according to the date they have been last edited (in the web editor). Sort your project list in any of the two views - tiles vs. list -  by the provided headers in the table or drop-down menu. The projects will be sorted alphabetically or chronologically depending on the sorting criteria type.

Available sorting criteria for the list/tiles project view:

  • Name/Project name: sort alphabetically by the project title 

  • Client/Client name: sort alphabetically by the client name

  • Area/Area size: sort by the area size in square feet

  • Group: sort alphabetically by the group name

  • Project Manager: sort alphabetically by the assigned project manager name

  • Edited/Last edited: sort chronologically by the date the project was last modified in the web editor or the JobWalk app (without having added new images in the JobWalk app)

  • Created/Creation date: sort chronological by the initial creation date of the project.

  • Last Capture: sort chronologically by the date when the project last had added new 360 captures with the JobWalk App.

In the list view

List View Icon

If you are working with the list view, you can easily sort your projects by the headers of the columns. 

Sort the list by a criteria as ascending or descending by clicking on the little arrows next to a heading. The current ordering of the list is marked by the black arrowhead (in comparison to the gray arrowhead).

Click on the header once to sort list ascending, twice to sort the list descending and a third time to return to the default sorting:

  • Order descending: If your list is ordered descending, the arrowhead facing up is marked in black.
    To order you list to be descending, click the upper arrowhead when it is marked gray.

  • Order ascending: If your list is ordered ascending, the arrowhead facing down is marked in black.
    To order you list to be ascending, click the lower arrowhead when it is marked gray.

Active project management in HoloBuilder

In the tiles view

List view icon in HoloBuilder

When the tiles view is enabled, click on the "Sort by" drop-down menu in the upper right corner and select any of the criteria mentioned above to sort your list by.

The sorted list can be order ascending or descending. To the right of the sorting drop-down, you can find two arrowheads facing up and down. The current ordering of your list is marked by the black arrowhead (instead of a gray arrowhead). By default the results are ordered descending.

  • Order descending: If your list is ordered descending, the arrowhead facing down is marked in black.
    To order you list to be descending, click the lower arrowhead when it is marked gray.

  • Order ascending: If your list is ordered ascending, the arrowhead facing up is marked in black. To order your list to be ascending, click the upper arrowhead when it is marked gray.

Sorting projects in HoloBuilder

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