When creating new projects in the Enterprise Dashboard, there are different options you can use to facilitate the setup.
Please note:
Creating new projects is restricted to the following user roles:
Enterprise Admin
Group Manager - if there is free area available in the assigned group
Project Manager - if there is free area available in the assigned group
If you currently do not have the option to create a new project as described below, please check with your Enterprise Admin to get the right role assigned to you.
Create a new project in the HoloBuilder Enterprise Dashboard
Once you have created a Group that includes the colleagues you want to include on the project you can start creating a new project with your Enterprise Account.
Create a new project in your Enterprise Dashboard:
Select the tab ‘Active’ below ‘Projects’ in the panel on the left
Click on ‘Create Project’
Fill out the form (see below) & click Create Project
The project creation form
The project creation form contains five required fields for information to be entered into:
Project Name
Project Area - enter the number that represents the area of your project in square feet. This will specify how much area this specific project is taking up from the entire available area.
Project Address
Add Members from an existing project - optional:
Additionally, if you already have other projects in your account, you can choose an existing team from another project to add as members to the new project.
The Group and Project Manager will be automatically filled in according to this selection but can be overwritten in the next step.
Group - assign a Group to the project to specify the team that will have access to this project.
Project Manager - enter the email address of the desired user to assign her/him to this project or select the corresponding user from the drop-down menu.
Please note that only Project Managers from the assigned group will be available for selection.
Advanced project info - optional
These details are not required but help to better organize your projects:
Client Name
Category template - Also, you can add pre-designed category templates to your new projects to easily use 360 image tagging and filtering for more control over your project.
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