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How to set up the HoloBuilder Enterprise Dashboard: An Overview
How to set up the HoloBuilder Enterprise Dashboard: An Overview

When you are new to the Enterprise Dashboard there are a few steps that have to be taken in order to create a new Project

Kristina Tenhaft avatar
Written by Kristina Tenhaft
Updated over 9 months ago

Setting up the Enterprise Dashboard for the first time in 5 main steps:

  1. Creating and managing a group for collaboration

  2. Inviting users on company level

  3. Transferring existing users and projects to your new dashboard

  4. Creating a new project on your dashboard

  5. Team setup on project level

1. Creating a Group

Every project must have a group assigned. To create a group in the Dashboard, a Group Manager is first created to lead the group who can add/remove users from the group.

To create a group in the Dashboard:

  1. In the Dashboard go to Admin > Groups.

  2. Click Create Group.

  3. Enter all necessary information, assign a Group Manager, and click Create.

  4. Build your group by adding members with the Add Member command.

User interface for creating a new group

For a detailed tutorial on how to create groups in the HoloBuilder Dashboard, please refer to this article.

Best Practice:

Create Groups before setting up the full company structure to simplify the work in the HoloBuider dashboard and projects. Groups can be set up for individual teams, departments, regions, or even by clients, depending on the structure of the dashboard and project access.

For future projects, invite the user group as a whole, rather than individually. Learn how to invite an existing user group to a project here.

2. Inviting Users on Company Level

When creating a new project, a Group (related to a Group Manager) and a Project Manager must be assigned. Invite these roles to the Enterprise Dashboard before creating the project. The user roles can be adjusted later.

To invite first users to the Enterprise Dashboard:

  1. In the Dashboard, go to Admin > User Directory.

  2. Click Invite user and add users. Assign each a company role. Enter the user's email address.

  3. Click Invite to send out your HoloBuilder invites. The users receives the invitations at the assigned email.

For a detailed tutorial on adding new users, refer to this separate Help Center Article. The Bulk Invite option can be used to invite multiple new users at once. See This article for instructions.

Best Practice:

Know your dashboard structure and invite all users before setup. New users may be invited after set up. Essential roles for creating a new project are the Group Managers (to manage the created Groups), Project Managers can be invited while creating new projects and will automatically be added to the Group. It is recommended to invite at least one GM and PM in the beginning for a good overview and help with the overall dashboard setup:

  • The Project Manager is responsible for the entire project and its users. They have full view & edit permissions for their assigned projects.

  • The Group Manager is assigned to a certain group of users and projects. A group is created independently from a project but can be assigned to one or several projects. In Creating Groups above, find more information about groups in general.

Learn more about user roles and their permissions in HoloBuilder in this separate guide.

3. Transferring Existing Users and Projects

Existing accounts, active or inactive, can be added to your company during the company set up if requested. Provide us with:

  • A list of co-workers with an existing HoloBuilder account,

  • The desired role for each,

  • The Group they should be assigned to, and

  • The connected HoloBuilder projects with the assigned Group and Project Manager.

We will add these users to your company for you.

When transferring a co-worker's account to your Enterprise Account, you can decide which projects should be transferred to the Enterprise Dashboard and which can be deleted from the co-worker’s account.

Note: All users transferred to your dashboard with a dashboard role will not have a subscription of their own anymore once added to the Enterprise Dashboard. This means, that all projects of this co-worker account not transferred to your Enterprise Dashboard will need to be deleted.

Best Practice:

When signing the contract, check with your co-workers if any projects are already created in a separate trial account. Create a list and the requirements for adding these co-workers and possible related projects.

Any other co-workers that did not sign up for a trial themselves can be added to your dashboard. If you receive an error message when adding an email address, please reach out to

4. Creating a New Project

Newly created projects must be assigned to a Group and a Project Manager within that Group. The project may be edited later and assigned to another Group or Project Manager.

When all Groups and Project Managers are created, create a new project with your Enterprise Admin account.

To create a project:

  1. Click the Active tab below Projects in the left panel.

  2. Click Create Project in the upper right corner.

  3. Fill in the form and click Create Project

User interface for creating a new project

For a more detailed walkthrough on Creating HoloBuilder projects in the Dashboard, see this separate article.

Best Practice:

Ensure at least the Group structure is set up before creating a project. The related Project Manager can be invited during the project creation process by including the email address. This user will automatically be added to the related Group.

In addition to the Group, check the dashboard settings, e.g. the Company-wide Category Templates to have everything available assignment and configured for your project creation. Assign these templates in the Advanced section.

5. Assigning User Roles on Project Level

Roles on a company level to users, like the Project Manager or the Group Manager have been assigned. Now, give other co-workers permission to work on your project to start collaborating.

The project roles give a user permissions only in regard to the assigned project. These roles give no access or edit permissions for other projects in the Dashboard.

Adding users and assigning roles on project level:

  1. Click the Projects > Active tab in the left panel.

  2. Click the project to open the project overview.

  3. Click the Team tab.

  4. Click Add Member.

  5. Select the corresponding role for the project.

  6. Click the text bar to open a drop-down with all available users to select from or start typing the user’s name or email address.

  7. Click Add.

  8. Repeat this process for all users who should become part of the team and gain access to the project for the respective roles.

Specify for each invited user whether that user is a Project Admin, Project Viewer, or Project Editor. The role can be reassigned anytime.

User interface for managing roles and permissions

Find a detailed overview of all roles and their permissions in this separate article.

Best Practice:

The easiest way to invite the full team is by creating and copying a list with the email addresses. Add the list of email addresses and set the role to Project Viewer to invite the full team as Project Viewers (lowest access level).

Once added, look up the team members who should be the Project Editor or Project Admin for more access. Usually, the majority of users on a project should be kept as Project Viewers. Grant selected team members edit access.

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