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Permissions & Roles in the HoloBuilder Dashboard

The HoloBuilder dashboard is your central point of access to all projects within your company or region as well as user access management.

Kristina Tenhaft avatar
Written by Kristina Tenhaft
Updated over a week ago

Using the HoloBuilder Dashboard to manage permissions and roles

Note: The roles and permissions are the same across HoloBuilder and Sphere XG. Whenever switching between the 2 platforms, you'll be able to manage your teams and access as you are used to.

The HoloBuilder Dashboard allows you to replicate your company structure using user roles and permissions to control access within HoloBuilder. HoloBuilder offers multiple role- and permission-levels to suite your needs.

Roles can be separated into two types

Company Roles have permissions across a company/dashboard, while Project Roles are unique to a job or project. Project roles only have access to the individual projects they have been invited to, while Company Roles have access to larger parts of the dashboard.

Tip: Only invite internal users of your company with Company Roles. Any externals (e.g. subs) should only be added to specific projects with Project-level Roles.

Company Roles

Project Roles (Project Members)

The image below depicts a visual representation of the permission settings hierarchy within HoloBuilder.  

HoloBuilder user roles and hierarchy

Depending on the role of a user, he/she has different permissions regarding project access, user management, area management, and billing as listed below.

User management menu in HoloBuilder

Roles on Enterprise Account Level

Roles with Enterprise Account Level can view and access the company dashboard by default and company projects according to the defined permission sets. Company roles are assigned primarily by the Enterprise Admins in the Enterprise Dashboard.

Enterprise Admin (EA)

The Enterprise Admin is the account owner and has control of the entire Enterprise Account. There can be multiple Enterprise Admins for the whole Company.

Project Access:

  • Has view and edit permissions for all projects in the company.

  • Can access and edit the Project Properties for all projects in the company.

  • Can create new and reassign existing projects.

  • Can remove projects from the company.

  • Can archive and download any projects.

User Management:

  • Has view and edit permissions for all users and user roles in the enterprise dashboard

  • Can invite new users

  • Can assign any user roles to invited users

  • Can grant permission to other GM to create groups

  • Can add new Group Managers to any group within the company

  • Only user to delete users from the company

Area Management:

  • Has view and edit permissions for all Group Managers.

  • Can assign limited amounts of the total available area to Group Managers.

  • Can give Group Managers unlimited area use.

  • Only user to purchase more area


  • Can upgrade/downgrade the total amount of available area for the company.

  • Can cancel the company subscription.

Enterprise Viewer (EV)

The Enterprise Viewer has full access to all projects on the enterprise dashboard, groups, and the user directory. In general, the Enterprise Viewer has only view permissions and no editing permissions.

Project Access:

  • Has view permissions for all active projects in the company.

  • Can only view list of archived projects (will not be able to open archived projects).

  • Has no edit permissions.

  • Can access the Analytics of the dashboard for more project insights.

User Management:

  • Can view all groups and user information inside these groups, as well as related projects, in the enterprise dashboard.

  • Can view the User Directory for a full user overview.

  • Cannot invite additional users to the dashboard or a project unless she/he has an additional role (PA, PM, GM).

Area & dashboard Management:

  • Can view assigned area.

  • Can view all category template but not create any new ones or edit existing.

  • Cannot view the company 'General Settings' of the dashboard.

Group Manager (GM)

The Group Manager (Regional Control) oversees multiple Project Managers and projects. When no Project Manager is available, Group Managers can also the dual role of a Project Manager. Group Managers can only be added by the EA. A Group Manager can have a limited or unlimited amount of area assigned to him by the EA.

Project Access:

  • Has view and edit permissions for all projects related to her/him

  • Can access and edit the Project Properties for all projects related to her/him. 

  • Can create new projects (if sufficient area available from the GM) 

  • Can create groups (when permission granted by EA)

  • Can only remove projects related to him.

  • Can archive and download projects related to her/him.

User Management:

  • Can view all users and user roles in the User Directory for the groups he has a GM role on of the enterprise dashboard.

  • Can invite more GMs to the group they belong to.

  • Can invite more PMs to the group they belong to.

  • Cannot invite new EAs or EVs to the company. 

  • Cannot assign an EA or EV user role to already invited users.

  • Has edit permissions for users and user roles on project level - PA, PE, and PV -for a project within her/his group.

  • Can add/remove PA, PE, and PV to a project related to her/him.

Area Management:

  • Does not have any area of her/his own.

  • Can use the assigned area of the related Group freely to create new projects.

  • Cannot view the overall subscription information of the enterprise dashboard.

  • Can see and manage the available area in her/his group.

Project Manager (PM)

The Project Manager manages individual projects that have been assigned to her/him by a Group Manager or Enterprise Admin. She/he can view the enterprise dashboard with limited access permissions. Project Managers can be assigned to multiple 'Groups' with different Group Managers.

Project Access: 

  • Has view and edit permissions for all projects related to her/him.

  • Can access and edit the Project Properties for all projects related to her/him.

  • Can create new projects (if sufficient area available from the GM)

  • Can only remove projects related to him.

  • Can archive and download projects related to her/him.

  • Cannot unarchive projects at all.

User Management: 

  • Cannot view all users and user roles in the User Directory of the enterprise dashboard.

  • Cannot invite new users to the company.

  • Cannot assign any company user roles to invited users.

  • Has only edit permissions for users and user roles on project level – PA, PE, and PV.

  • Can add/remove PA, PE, and PV to a project related to her/him.

Area Management: 

  • Does not have any area of her/his own but can use the area of the assigned Group Manager freely to create new projects.

  • Cannot view the overall subscription information of the enterprise dashboard.

  • Can see the available area in her/his group.

Permissions overview on company-level

Permissions overview in table format

(1,2) - see below

Roles within a Project-level access

Users with roles on the project-level are related to individual projects only and have no company-wide access.

  • If they get invited to a project that belongs to a company dashboard, they gain access to a limited part of the dashboard as well.

  • They cannot create new company projects and are only invited collaborators on company projects.

Recommended use: The roles on the project-level are more autonomous and can also easily be used for external or temporary users, such as owners and stakeholders, for individual projects.

Permissions overview on a company-level & project level

HoloBuilder Permissions overview on company level and project level

Permission overview on company level in HoloBuilder

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