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Permissions & Roles in HoloBuilder on a Project-Level

Easily manage your project's content and access on a project-level to distribute project-specific responsibilities in HoloBuilder.

Anna-Azize Adami avatar
Written by Anna-Azize Adami
Updated over 8 months ago

Note: The roles and permissions are the same across HoloBuilder and Sphere XG. Whenenver switching between the 2 platforms, you'll be able to manage your teams and access as you are used to.

Users can be added to individual projects with different access roles including some configuration options for view and edit access of a project.

Roles can be separated into two types of users:

  • Project Roles (individual project acccess for speficic users) - see below

  • Company Roles (management access on dashboard level)

Project Roles are unique to a job or project, while Company Roles (Enterprise Admin, Group Manager, Project Manager as well as Enterprise Viewer) are used across the service. Users who get assigned with a project role need to be invited to a HoloBuilder project in order to get access to this specific project. They do not have any further permissions on the company dashboard or any other projects and cannot create any projects of their own.

Project Roles (Project Members)

  • Project Admin (PA)

  • Project Editor (PE)

  • Project Viewer (PV)

The image below depicts a visual representation of the overall permission settings hierarchy within HoloBuilder (including the Company Roles).

HoloBuilder company roles and hierarchy

Depending on the role of a user, he/she has different permissions regarding project access, user management, area management, and billing as listed below.

Roles with project-level access

Users with roles on the project-level (Job Permissions) are related to individual projects.

  • They cannot create new projects and are only invited collaborators on specific projects.

  • They can be part of another HoloBuilder dashboard additional to their role in anothers company's project, e.g. as a sub-contractor working with multiple general contractors.

  • Note: If a user gets invited to a project they gain access only to the active projects overview of the dashboard to access the project they have been invited to.

Project Admin

The Project Admin has editing and user management rights for individual projects on the project level. They can view and edit individual projects she/he was invited to and access the project properties to e.g. invite other users or change the project details and access level.

Note: The Project Admin has similar permissions as the company role Project Manager regarding the management of individual projects but cannot create new projects of their own.

Project Access (project-level):

  • Has view and edit permissions for individual projects she/he was invited to.

  • Can be given job permissions on project-level in other Enterprise Dashboards on HoloBuilder as well.

  • Can access and edit the Project Properties for all projects she/he is invited to.

  • Can share projects she/he is invited to.

  • Cannot create new projects

  • Cannot delete any projects at all.

  • Cannot archive, unarchive, or download any projects at all.

User Management (project-level):

  • Can view all users and user roles on the project level for individual projects she/he is invited to.

  • Has only edit permissions for users and user roles on project level – PA, PE, and PV.

  • Cannot invite new users to the company.

  • Cannot assign any company user roles to invited users.

  • Can add/remove PA, PE, and PV to a project she/he is invited to.

Area Management (project-level):

  • Cannot create any projects her-/himself.

  • Can only edit/access company projects she/he was invited to.


  • Cannot request any add-ons to be activated of the dashboard/project he is only a Project Admin on.

Project Editor

The Project Editor has editing rights for individual projects on the project-level in the Web Editor and JobWalk app. This user can view and edit individual projects she/he was invited to.

Note: Compared to the Project Admin, the Project Editor cannot access the project properties to e.g. invite other users or change the project details and access level.

Project Access (on project level):

  • Has view and edit permissions for individual projects she/he was invited to in the Web Editor or JobWalk app.

  • Can be given job permissions on project level in other Enterprise Dashboards on HoloBuilder as well.

  • Can share unlisted project links for view access.

  • Cannot access and edit the Project Properties for a project she/he is invited to.

  • Cannot create new projects

  • Cannot delete any projects at all.

  • Cannot archive, unarchive, or download any projects at all.

User Management (on project level):

Has no user management permission:

  • Cannot add/remove PA, PE, and PV to a project she/he is invited to.

  • Cannot view all users and user roles on the project level for individual projects she/he is invited to.

  • Cannot invite new users to a company.

Area Management (on project level):

  • Cannot create any projects her-/himself.

  • Can only edit/access company projects she/he was invited to.


  • Cannot request any add-ons to be activated of the dashboard/project he is only a Project Editor on.

Project Viewer

The Project Viewer has permission to view individual projects that are active (not archived or downloaded).

  • Has access to a private project that they are invited to as a viewer or any unlisted project they were given a URL link with.

  • The Project Viewer have no editorial permissions for the projects they are invited to or URL links they've been provided.

  • They can have a personal subscription to create projects of their own unrelated to the company's.

Project Access (project-level):

  • Has view permissions for individual private projects they are invited to in the desktop or mobile web browser.

  • Has view permissions for individual unlisted projects they are invited to in the desktop or mobile web browser.

  • Cannot edit any projects they are are invited to as a viewer.

  • Cannot create new projects

  • Cannot delete any projects at all.

  • Cannot archive, unarchive, or download any projects at all.

User Management (project-level):

Has no user management permission:

  • Cannot add/remove PA, PE, and PV to a project they are invited in.

  • Cannot view all users and user roles on the project-level for individual projects they are invited to.

  • Cannot invite new users to a company.

Area Management (project-level):

  • Cannot create any projects her-/himself.

  • Can only view company projects she/he was invited to as Project Viewer.


  • Cannot request any add-ons to be activated of the dashboard/project he is only a Project Viewer on.

All permissions and roles in the dashboard and on project-level

HoloBuilder overview all permissions and roles in the dashboard and on project-level
Project member hierarchy in HoloBuilder

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