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JobWalk App 2.0 Overview

Learn everything about HoloBuilder’s JobWalk App, from setting up an account to connecting cameras, and capturing progress with 360° photos.

Written by Giancarlo Jimenez
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The intuitive interface improves 360° image-taking and virtual tour creation with HoloBuilder, enabling you to create your virtual 360° tour anywhere while on the go.

Minimum Requirements:

  1. iOS or Android mobile device (tablet or smartphone).

  2. A supported 360° camera like the Insta360 OneX2 .

  3. The JobWalk App, available for iOS or Android. - Download

Getting started

  1. Download the official JobWalk App for your Android or iOS device

Note: Please ensure to upgrade to the latest version of your JobWalk app on a regular basis to stay up-to-date with any bug fixes and performance improvements.

   2. Log in or sign up for a HoloBuilder account following the provided steps below:

  • You can log in to your JobWalk app account with the same credentials of your HoloBuilder account. Open the JobWalk app and select Login here in the upper-right corner.

  • Enter your HoloBuilder login credential or choose the lower third-party login, e.g. Autodesk or Procore.

  • If you do not have a HoloBuilder account, switch to sign up or continue as a guest.

  • Create a new account with your email address. Alternatively, you can also create a HoloBuilder account with one of the available third-party account logins.

Note: Please sign up using the browser on your PC, as direct sign up is not available on iOS. Ideally, you should sign up using the link from the invite email you were provided.

Log In Menu in JobWalk App

3. After logging in, you will see the Projects screen separated into two lists:

  • ON THIS DEVICE: the projects that appear here have been downloaded into the device and are ready for editing.

  • IN THE CLOUD: the projects that appear here are synced to your HoloBuilder account and can be accessed through the dashboard on your computer.

4. The magnifying glass at the top-right allows you to quickly search any of your projects.

Search for project in JobWalk App

5. The app can be configured according to your preference to improve performance or to better adjust to your work environment. Learn more about the app menu and the settings in this tutorial.

Using the JobWalk App

1. Create or edit a project with the JobWalk App

With the same account, the projects you create in the JobWalk App go interchangeably with the Web Editor once it has been synced into the cloud.

Note: To learn how to create projects within the JobWalk App or contribute to ongoing projects please refer to our dedicated tutorial.

2. Upload sheets in the JobWalk App

If you create a new project in the JobWalk App you will need to upload one or multiple sheets to your project.

Note: For learning how to work with sheets in the JobWalk App, please read this tutorial.

3. Capture 360° photos and create tours with the JobWalk App

Once you’ve uploaded at least one sheet to your project you can start capturing photos. You will need a 360° camera that is connected to your mobile device.

Note: For a list of supported cameras and how to connect them to your device, see our Help Center article.

Once connected, please refer to our tutorial on how to capture 360° photos and create tours with the JobWalk App.

4. Add Time Travel scenes

Time Travel enables you to take multiple images of a certain location at different times. If you are already familiar with Time Travel you can learn how to use the feature in our JobWalk App to add Time Travel on-site in this tutorial.

Note: If you would like to get a better understanding of this functionality and its advantages, first read the general Time Travel tutorial for the Web Editor.

5. Mark issues on-site

Once you have captured a 360 image for a location, you can augment this image with 360 markups and 2D images.

Note: Read the following guide to find out how to include 2D images in your 360 capture, e.g. for close-ups.

Project Collaboration in the JobWalk App

All editing options as described above for a job walk can also be used in a team.

Work simultaneously on a project to better distribute the workload and become even more efficient. Any progress will be uploaded and merged automatically.

View your tour

  1. To view and share your tour, tap on the three buttons shown in the upper-right corner of the project overview screen, and select ‘Open in browser’.

  2. Consequently, the project is displayed in your browser and can both be viewed and shared.

    Project menu in JobWalk App

Report a problem to support

If you experience any problems with a project in the JobWalk app, please send an email with the project info log and by following this tutorial.

Keep your JobWalk App updated

Update the JobWalk App directly from Google Play or App Store.

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Apple App Store Link

If you still have any questions about the JobWalk App or HoloBuilder in general, please let us know by e-mail at or via our integrated live chat.

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