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How to add and organize multiple sheets in one HoloBuilder project
How to add and organize multiple sheets in one HoloBuilder project

HoloBuilder allows you to work with several sheets within a single project. Learn how to add, replace and manage sheets in the Web Editor

Kristina Tenhaft avatar
Written by Kristina Tenhaft
Updated over 8 months ago

When working on a project in the Web Editor, sheets are essential in order to keep your 360 images organized. You can add one or multiple sheets to your project as the basis for the capturing of the 360 scenes.

Learn how to

  1. Upload new sheets - see below

  2. Organize your sheets - see below

Sheet overlay in HoloBuilder

1 Uploading new sheets

In order to add a sheet to your HoloBuilder project, open the corresponding project in the Web Editor first. 

1. To add a sheet to a project, click on the + button in the project panel at the lower left bottom of your screen. An Upload dialogue will open.

NOTE: If you want to add a sheet to a new, empty project, the upload dialogue will open automatically as soon as you open the project in the Web Editor.

Add new sheet in HoloBuilder

2. Under Sheets, you can now upload the desired sheet(s) by either...

(a) Dragging and dropping the desired number of sheets at once in the highlighted area (as shown in the image below).
(b) Clicking on that same area to browse for the file(s) on your computer. It is possible to add one or more sheets at a time. 

Upload sheet menu in HoloBuilder

4. After uploading the sheet files, you will be asked to adjust and confirm each sheet individually.

  • In the upper right corner (1), you can see the number of the currently displayed sheet and the total number of sheets about to be added.

  • Below the image of your sheet (2), you find the name of the file you are currently editing. This name will later be the one shown in the added sheets list.

  • Above the sheet (3), you can find the buttons for cropping and rotating the sheet as you like. 

  • In the lower left corner (4), when importing a PDF document with multiple pages as new sheet(s), you can specify which pages to be imported.

  • In the lower right corner (5), you can skip the currently displayed sheet to not be uploaded, e.g. if you accidentally included a wrong file.

    Import sheet UI in HoloBuilder

5. When you are finished editing the first sheet, add the current sheet to the project by clicking the IMPORT button in the lower right corner (6). Proceed for each sheet file of your batch upload alike.

Note: All new sheets selected to be "imported" will be shown directly in the background in the upper left corner of your web editor.

2 Organizing your sheets in a project

Once the sheets have been added to a project, they can be organized:

  • Exchanging a sheet file (1)
    If an updated sheet becomes available while a project is already being worked on it can be necessary to replace the sheet in a project.

  • Delete a sheet (2)
    Sometimes sheets do not fit in the project anymore or are not necessary anymore; make sure to clean up the project and remove any sheets not needed.

  • Duplicate a sheet (3)
    Copy a sheet in the project panel with or without it's location markers.

  • Add another sheet (4)
    Add more sheets whenever you need it by using the large +-button and proceeding as stated above.

  • Rearrange your sheets (5)
    Sort the sheets in your side panel for a better overview and keeping a logical order/structure for the whole team.

  • Searching for sheets (6)
    With the search bar at the top of your list of sheets, you can search for specific sheets or groups of sheets by their name.

  • Edit the properties of a sheet (7)
    Adjust the name or any other available properties of the uploaded sheet.

Edit properties of imported sheet in HoloBuilder

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