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Sphere XG
Learn how to work with FARO Sphere XG
Create Sphere XG Account and Sign inLearn how to create your Sphere XG account and sign in
Sphere XG Essentials TrainingEnroll in our FARO Academy and master the basics of the Sphere XG platform in a guided tour.
Sphere XG Dashboard
Learn how to manage your projects, users and teams in a workspace environment.
Overview of the Sphere XG DashboardGet an overview of the features available on the Sphere XG Dashboard.
Analytics on the Sphere XG DashboardGet better insights and track the overall development of your projects using JobSite Analytics on Sphere XG.
Workspace ManagementOrganize project management and user permissions in a single environnment.4 articles
Project ManagementManage and organize your Sphere XG Dashboard efficiently. 7 articles
User and Teams ManagementInvite users, create teams, grant workspace and project permissions.5 articles
Group ManagementManage your projects in groups.5 articles
Sphere XG Viewer
Learn how to work your projects with the online Sphere XG Viewer.
Sphere XG Viewer - An OverviewGet an overview of the Sphere XG Viewer, the components, menus and functionalities.
Overview of the 2D ViewDiscover the most important features of the 2D view.
Overview of the 3D ViewDiscover the most important features of the 3D view.
Overview of the Walkmode ViewDiscover the most important features of the walkmode view.
Overview of the 3D Model TabDiscover the most important features of the 3D model tab.
General and View-specific Toolbars in the Sphere XG ViewerGet a description of the Sphere XG Viewer's toolbar options.
Monitor Progress of Imports, Exports, RegistrationsLearn how to monitor the progress of imports, exports and registration procedures in the Cloud Activity form
Run a Point Cloud Analysis (beta)Bring your data to life with vibrant color mapping for enhanced insights!
Make Measurements in a ProjectLearn how you can make measurements in your captures.
How to Navigate Point Clouds and 3D Models with Keyboard and MouseLearn more about how to easily move through your 3D data sets inside the Sphere XG Viewer for a better navigation through the project.
How to adjust the Opacity of your Point Clouds, 3D Models or Sheets Visible in the Sphere XG ViewerLearn more on how to adjust the transparency of Point Clouds, 3D Models or Sheets in your Sphere XG project to easily compare the data sets.
Organize and Manage Project LayersLearn how you can manage sheets, overview maps and floorplans in your projects.5 articles
Import Point Clouds, 3D Models and Sheets (Layers)Learn how you can import point clouds, 3D models and additional layers to your projects.3 articles
Align Point Clouds, 3D Models and SheetsLearn how you can align point clouds, 3D models and sheets in your projects.3 articles
Register and Publish ScansProcess, register and publish scans2 articles
Tags and AnnotationsDefine tags and annotations to classify project objects and to add additional information to your project.3 articles
Clipping Tools for Point Clouds and 3D ModelsDefine clipping boxes to highlight or export project subsets.2 articles
Upload and Synchronize Projects in Sphere XG
Leverage the FARO portfolio to upload and synchronize projects with Sphere XG.
Upload and Synchronize Orbis CapturesLearn how you can upload Orbis Captures to Sphere XG.
Upload and Download SCENE Projects to/from Sphere XGLearn how to use the FARO SCENE software to upload and download your project point cloud to/from Sphere XG.
Access SCENE Projects in Sphere XGAccessing uploaded SCENE projects in Sphere
Synchronize Project Data between Sphere XG and ConnectLearn how to synchronize project data between Sphere XG and the desktop application Connect