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How to use ContinuousMode in the JobWalk app

Find out how to use ContinuousMode for automated capturing when documenting your site for a project in the JobWalk app.

Written by Giancarlo Jimenez
Updated over 9 months ago

IMPORTANT: If your device is not compatible for use with ContinuousMode, this option will not show up in the JobWalk app (iOS) or show a warning that you cannot use this mode (Android).

SpeedMode is a feature in the JobWalk app to help track your movements on the site plan for documentation and automating the capturing process.

There are 2 modes that you can work with to speed up your capturing:

  • SpeedMode (standard selection): Recommended for indoor capturing, which requires easily documenting progress for existing locations on your project (waypoints or Location Marker).

  • ContinuousMode (sub-mode): Used for large areas without pre-planed JobWalks that require fast site documentation as you go- learn more below.

Note: In order to get started with any of the SpeedMode options, please set up the scaling for your plan.


Using ContinuousMode

Once your sheet has been configured for SpeedMode, you can toggle on the ContinuousMode to automatically capture as you walk the site.

Note: ContinuousMode can be used to capture new locations as you go, as well as 360° photos for progress on existing 360° photos, 2D photo locations or Location Markers.

In order to use ContinuousMode, please activate the feature in the JobWalk app setting.

Enabling ContinuousMode for your JobWalk app for distance related capturing

Enabling ContinuousMode on a project

  1. Open a sheet of your project in the JobWalk app and tap on the Thunderbolt icon.

  2. Set up SpeedMode and connect to your 360° camera (check if your camera is supported).

    Note: The setup for the sheet is not saved - leaving the project or switching to a different sheet of the same project will reset the scaling and ask you to redo the setup when returning to the sheet.

  3. Once SpeedMode has been configured, use the toggle switch in the lower-left corner of the screen when SpeedMode is turned on and switch to the right.

    Note: You can switch between the 2 modes - SpeedMode & ContinuousMode - at any time during your documentation of the site as you need it.

Toggling HoloBuilder's ContinuousMode in the JobWalk app on and off

Capturing with ContinuousMode

Once SpeedMode is configured and ContinuousMode is enabled you can simply walk the site:

  1. From your current position, start walking the site - Walk the un-prepared site (no existing 360 images or Location Marker) the way you want to capture it or navigate to existing waypoints/Location Marker.


    If you have any existing location marker on your plan, you can hold the mobile device up to face where you are going. This allows you to look around for markers augmented into the camera live stream that show you where the next waypoints from the floor plan are.

  2. While walking, a loading circle around your position marker will slowly fill up as you walk depending on the walked distance.

    Enabling ContinuousMode on a project

  3. Once the loading circle is completed, the camera gets automatically triggered, the image is captured, and gets transferred to your mobile device on the location you were initially standing when the camera was triggered. Proceed and continue walking.


    There is no need to stop and you may proceed to keep walking. The image will be captured and the camera will be prepared for the next capture. If you notice the processing of the image is taking a little longer, you can slow down a bit before the next image is triggered.

  4. The captured 360 images will be linked to the floor plan:

    • Option 1: Capturing new image waypoints

      • When working on a new project or also an existing project that is still not completely documented, you can easily add completely new waypoint locations.

      • By walking in an area of the related sheet that has no waypoints or Location Markers, ContinuousMode will place the automatically captured 360 images directly as a waypoint on that sheet.

    • Option 2: Capturing progress for existing locations (Location Markers, 360 waypoints & 2D image locations)

      • When there are already waypoints of previously captured images or Location Markers on the scaled sheet, ContinuousMode will automatically link the newly captured image to the existing location instead of creating a new waypoint. This way you can also capture progress for existing locations as needed.

    Note: You do not need to actively decide between the options above. The system will do this automatically according to your current position and the distance to any existing location markers.

  5. Continue walking the site to document and capture new 360 images as needed. An image will be captured roughly according to the minimum distance specified in the settings.


    If your position drifts during the capturing with SpeedMode or ContinuousMode, simply tap and drag the arrow to the correct position on the floor plan and continue your JobWalk.

  6. When a floor plan is completely captured, return to the floor plan overview and switch to the next. Start the same process by setting up SpeedMode first for the new plan.


What is the ContinuousMode in the JobWalk App?

ContinuousMode is a sub-mode of SpeedMode and can be toggled on & off when you have SpeedMode activated.

When ContinuousMode is enabled, it allows you to automatically capture a 360 photo according to a predefined distance, e.g. every 5 meters / about 16 feet. You can simply walk the site and the camera will keep taking 360° photos for you.

Unlike the classic SpeedMode, ContinuousMode automatically adds new waypoints that do not have to be pre-planned ahead of time. Simply tap and go!

Once the site is captured, ContinuousMode can also add new waypoints in addition to adding TimeTravels to existing waypoints when passing them.

Unlike video-based systems, Continuous Capture allows you to see where you are on the floor plan while you walk and know the sections that you have and haven't captured yet, leading to better data quality.

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