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HoloBuilder Case Studies

Read our Case Studies to learn about the pros of working with HoloBuilder!

Anna-Azize Adami avatar
Written by Anna-Azize Adami
Updated over 9 months ago

Below, you can find links to a multitude of HoloBuilder case studies. They give you insight into how companies like Mace or Gilbane revolutionized their workflows with the help of HoloBuilder.

General Gains


Workflow improvements

  • Learn how Cosapi improved the information flow for 150+ stakeholders with HoloBuilder.
    Cosapi easily managed the challenges of keeping a large team informed and always on the same page regardless of the immense project size and tight schedule.
    + English
    + Spanish

  • Learn how MH Architect profited from using HoloBuilder for Design Coordination & Client Communication.
    MH Architects increased the site efficiency with better project coordination and overall team communication.
    + English
    + Spanish

  • Learn how Arcadis used HoloBuilder for an improved remote working experience throughout the teams.
    Arcadis benefited from the use of HoloBuilder for an improve remote site access, especially helpful during the very challenging times with COVID-19.
    + English

Risk mitigation

  • HoloBuilder for the Insurance Use Case
    The leading global professional services firm Aon plc highlights technologies with “the potential to make a profound impact on the risks involved in construction projects”. Learn in the HoloBuilder “Technology Corner Profile” which insurance policies will be positively impacted by HoloBuilder and which categories of key benefits do exist!

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