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All CollectionsHoloBuilder Offline HoloViewerDownload projects with the Offline HoloViewer
How to download your HoloBuilder project to the Offline HoloViewer in the Dashboard
How to download your HoloBuilder project to the Offline HoloViewer in the Dashboard

Learn more on how to download your projects after completion for flexible longterm management and sharing options for your projects.

Kristina Tenhaft avatar
Written by Kristina Tenhaft
Updated over 9 months ago

IMPORTANT: Please note that files with unsupported characters like \ / : * ? " < > | cannot be downloaded. Please make sure to replace these characters in your project name before archiving and downloading the project.

File name restrictions in HoloBuilder

Saving your project offline in the HoloViewer is only available for

  • Project Managers (PM) assigned to the project with this role,

  • Group Managers (GM) of the group related to the project

  • Enterprise Admins.

Any other roles are not allowed to archive and download projects. Please find a full overview of all HoloBuilder roles and permissions in our Help Center article.

Depending on your subscription, you can download the project directly from the Dashboard - see below

Dashboard action icons in HoloBuilder

In order to be able to save your project offline in the HoloViewer, you need to...

  1. Download and install the HoloViewer to your computer
    If you are using our HoloBuilder EU solution, please make sure to download the EU version.

  2. Download the project to the HoloViewer - see steps below


Preparing the download

  • Make sure you have the most recent HoloViewer for your server solution (EU vs. COM) installed.

  • Check that you have a stable internet connection - the bandwidth can have an effect on the download duration.

  • Make sure you have at least twice as much storage space available on your computer or attached hard drive as the actual project size will be - this is required to process the project correctly and place the files into a viewable format.
    E.g. For a 10 GB project, you need 20 GB free storage space to download.

  • Make sure your computer does not go to sleep during the download of the project - otherwise the download will be stopped. You might need to configure the computer settings to avoid this.

IMPORTANT: Please note that, depending on the number of images, the camera used, and other factors, the overall project size can be quite large and the download of the project might take over 24 hours.

Downloading your project in the Dashboard

Please note that once a project was downloaded, it cannot be unarchived anymore. Archived and downloaded projects can only be viewed by users with a project owner role - meaning the actual creator of the project, the assigned Project Manager (PM), any Group Manager of the related group (GM), and the Enterprise Admins (EA) of the dashboard.

Once you have downloaded & installed the HoloViewer and archived your project, you are ready to download the project:

  1. Open the Offline HoloViewer.

  2. Make sure to log into your account within the app by clicking on the profile icon and then clicking the login button.

  3. In the HoloBuilder Dashboard, open the Archive folder.

  4. Select the project that you would like to download in order to open its project details.

  5. In the upper right corner of your screen, click the white Download button.

  6. To confirm your download action, click Download again in the newly opened popup. If you are using Safari or Firefox as a browser, the system cannot detect whether the app is already installed due to browser restrictions. When asked whether you have already installed the app, please select YES.

NOTE: Should you in fact NOT have downloaded the app yet, click NO, and the app will be automatically downloaded & installed before the project download. 

7. The HoloViewer app on your computer will now open and download the project.

Download project in HoloBuilder Dashboard

8. Once the download is finished, the project is available for offline use within the


Downloaded projects are saved in the HoloViewer folder. The HoloViewer folder can be stored anywhere on your computer during the installation process. Each downloaded project is stored as a folder in

[…]>HoloViewer>Holobuilder>Projects (Windows)


~/Library/Application Support/com.holobuilder.holoviewer/Holobuilder (macOS)

with the corresponding ID.



If you accidentally downloaded a project, please write to us at for gaining online access again.

Additional options

  • Updating the Offline HoloViewer
    There will be no automatic update for your installed Offline HoloViewer app

  • Recovering a previous app version
    You can easily recover an old version of the Offline HoloViewer app if a backup was made or downloaded from our website

  • Project handover
    You can hand over your downloaded project with or without the HoloViewer

  • Longterm storing of projects
    All downloaded projects can be stored digitally indefinitely on your local drive or any other hard drive. To keep access to your projects, you simply need a version of the HoloViewer installed or the installation file at hand.

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