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How to work with JobWalk Planner Location Markers in the JobWalk App
How to work with JobWalk Planner Location Markers in the JobWalk App

Learn how to do your JobWalk when you have received a notification of new Capture Location Markers.

Kristina Tenhaft avatar
Written by Kristina Tenhaft
Updated over 9 months ago

If you received an invitation that looks similar to the one pictured below this means you have been assigned new Capture Locations by your Project Manager:

Assigned new Capture Locations in JobWalk App

You can then either start capturing right away or double check, edit or add Location Markers in the Web Editor yourself.

In the JobWalk App

Login inside the JobWalk App with the email account where you have also received the capture invitation.

If at least one Location Markers exists in a sheet of a project this sheet will display the number of Location Markers in the project details screen, for example there are two new Location Markers in the sheet displayed below:

Quick Access markers in JobWalk App

To display the sheet including Location Markers, tap on the preview of the floor plan at the top or at the name in the bottom list.

Location Markers are displayed as little flag icons on the sheet, waypoints are shown as circles.
Note: Waypoints are locations that already have one or several 360° photos attached to them.

To capture a new location, place your camera and tap on one of the flag icons to open the menu. Tap Capture to take a 360° photo as depicted below:

Capture new location in JobWalk App

Please note that the exact location of the capture location is at the bottom of the flagpole, marked by the center of the blue brackets

The process of capturing the new location works the same as capturing any other location. You can capture both marked locations as well as any unmarked locations by tapping on the sheet as you wish.

If there are already many waypoints, you might want to only show Location Markers by using the category filters. Just press the filter button in the upper right corner and then select Location Marker in the menu that opens at the bottom.

Assigned new Capture Locations in JobWalk App

Are you looking for information on how to use the JobWalk Planner in the Web Editor to pre-plan a JobWalk for your team by placing Location Markers for locations that have to be captured? Find this article to help you out. 

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