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How to Adjust Misalignments in your 360° Video Walking Path in the Sphere XG Viewer
How to Adjust Misalignments in your 360° Video Walking Path in the Sphere XG Viewer

Move, rotate, or scale your VideoMode trajectories to correct the walking path in the Sphere XG Viewer.

Anna-Azize Adami avatar
Written by Anna-Azize Adami
Updated over a week ago

Making adjustments to your 360° Video Walking Path in the Sphere XG Viewer

When capturing your site with the HoloBuilder VideoMode, it can happen that the resulting walking path (or "trajectory") is not properly aligned. This can happen for several reasons. Most of the time is caused by challenging environments or not following the best practices for capturing that affect the processing of the 360 videos. Adjusting the trajectory of the walking path can be done in the Sphere XG Viewer.


The VideoMode path is not visualized inside the HoloBuilder Web Editor and can only be edited through the Sphere XG Viewer. Learn more on what you can do with VideoMode captures in the HoloBuilder Web Editor in our Help Center article.

Opening the "Adjust Trajectory Tool" in the Sphere XG Viewer

In order to adjust a trajectory of a VideoMode video path, you need to open your project on the Sphere XG Viewer. Once the project was opened you need to:

  1. Selected the video in the project tree.

  2. Click on the 3 dots when hovering over the video name (right side).

  3. Select "Adjust Trajectory" from the menu.

  4. The "Adjust Trajectory Tool" will open showing your sheet with the selected walking path as well as the tools for adjustment (right side of the screen).

Opening the Adjust Trajectory Tool on the FARO Sphere XG Viewer

Controls Overview

  • Help: (1) Show or hide the Help Panel for some assistance with the controls inside the "Adjust Trajectory Tool".

  • The tool set:

    • (2) Align to sheet: Mode to align the full trajectory by scaling, rotating and translating it to the correct positioning on the sheet.

    • (3) Adjust Trajectory: Mode to adjust the trajectory based on translating the position of individual waypoints.

    • (4) Undo & Redo Changes

    • (5) Reset Changes: Reset the trajectory to it's original alignment, e.g. to start over with the adjustments.

  • Sheet & Trajectory:

    • (6) The trajectory: Your walking path of the captured video shown as a blue line connecting multiple waypoints (blue dots).

    • (7) Start & End Point: Easily identify the start and end point of your trajectory highlighted in red (start) and green (end) for a better orientation.

    • (8) 360 Image Preview: To help align the path, you can hover over individual waypoints to see a preview of the link 360 image.

  • Closing the "Adjust Trajectory Tool"

    • (9) Apply changes: Save the adjustments you made to the trajectory and return to the project overview.

    • (10) Back: Return to the project overview without saving the adjustments made on the trajectory.

Working with the "Adjust Trajectory Tool" in the FARO Sphere XG Viewer

Help Panel - General Controls

Select the question mark in the upper right corner to find the full overview of the Help Panel for working with the "Adjust Trajectory Tool". Some general controls to assist with working on the sheet and trajectory are:

  • Preview Waypoint: Hover over a waypoint on the trajectory to see its preview.

  • Translate Camera (Sheet and Trajectory): Right-click anywhere in the sheet and drag the sheet including the trajectory to focus on the position you want to look at.
    Alternative: Click and hold the middle mouse button, then drag the sheet with the trajectory to the position you want.

Working with the "Adjust Trajectory Tool" in the Sphere XG Viewer

There are 2 options to adjust your video's trajectory:

  1. Adjusting the full path of the trajectory:
    Add and move the anchor points to align your trajectory to the sheet.

  2. Adjusting the position of individual waypoints on the trajectory:
    Change the trajectory by moving individual waypoints.

Adjusting the path of the trajectory as a whole

Use anchor points to align your trajectory to the sheet keeping the same relation between the waypoints and path. In this mode you can

  • scale

  • rotate

  • move

the trajectory as a whole to align to the sheet.

Recommended steps

  1. Locate your starting point on the sheet and make sure the starting point of your trajectory (red dot) is placed correctly - move the trajectory as needed.

  2. Rotate the trajectory around the starting point (set an anchor point on the red waypoint) to have the correct orientation on the sheet.

  3. Scale the trajectory to fit the sheet.

  4. Make some fine adjustments by moving, scaling and rotating the trajectory until you are happy.

Note: This mode is to be used, when you need to adjust the trajectory alignment as a whole and not an individual waypoint (see example in the screenshot below). E.g. if the path was some how rotated or scaled incorrectly in relation the sheet.

Before the trajectory alignment:

VideoMode Trajectory to be aligned in the FARO Sphere XG Viewer

After the trajectory alignment:

Aligned trajectory of a VideoMode walk in the FARO Sphere XG Viewer

Help Panel - Align Trajectory Controls

The controls to work in the "Align Trajectory" mode (1):

  • Add and Remove Anchor Points (2): Left-click on the trajectory or anywhere else on or even next to the sheet to add up to two anchor points (orange markers).
    Right-click on an anchor point again to remove it. Depending on the modification you want to make to the trajectory, you will need one or two anchor points.

  • Modifying the trajectory

    • Rotate Trajectory: Add one or two anchor points to rotate your trajectory

      • One anchor point: Left-click on any position on the trajectory or anywhere else on the working space. Hold the mouse button clicked and move the cursor to rotate the trajectory (without simultaneous scaling).

      • Two anchor points: Left-click on one of the anchor points and hold the mouse button clicked. Move the cursor in a circle around the other anchor point to rotate the trajectory.
        IMPORTANT: When rotating with 2 anchor points, you will automatically also scale the trajectory when moving the mouse courser closer or further away from the second anchor point (not clicked).

    • Scale Trajectory: Add two anchor points. Left-click on one anchor point, hold, and drag towards the other anchor point to scale the trajectory to the sheet.
      IMPORTANT: With 2 anchor points set, you will automatically also rotate the trajectory when moving the mouse courser around the second anchor point (not clicked).

    • Translate Trajectory: There are 2 options to move the trajectory on the sheet to align:

      • With anchor point: Hover over an anchor point until you see the cursor change to the cross. Left-click and hold the anchor point (e.g. while you are scaling/rotating) and drag the trajectory to the position you want on the sheet.

      • Without anchor point: If you currently do not have any anchor points set, you can also press and hold the SHIFT key, then left-click on the trajectory and drag it to the position you want.

Adjusting the position of individual waypoints on the trajectory

Change the trajectory by moving individual waypoints to be "back in line".

Note: This mode is to be used, when you need to adjust the position of individual waypoints that randomly seem to be out of line (see example in the screenshot below). This can be the case, e.g. if there was a gap in the processing of the video due to a challenging environment and an individual waypoint was "misplaced".

Recommended steps

  1. Lock the first and last waypoint that are correctly placed on the sheet (click on it to turn it yellow).

  2. Click and drag the waypoint that is "out of line" to adjust the position (typically somewhere between the 2 locked waypoints) and bring these all back in line.

  3. Repeat for any similar situations (see screenshots below).

Before adjusting a waypoint in the trajectory:

Before adjusting a waypoint in the trajectory

After adjusting a waypoint in the trajectory:

After adjusting a waypoint in the trajectory

Help Panel - Adjust Trajectory Controls

The controls to work in the "Adjust Trajectory" mode (1):

  • Lock Waypoint Position: Click on a waypoint (blue dot on the trajectory) to lock its position. Click on it again to unlock it.
    Note: Locking waypoints around an area that you want to adjust will help to keep correctly placed waypoints where they are.

  • Move Waypoint: Click a waypoint and drag to adjust the entire path. Any waypoint you clicked, dragged and released will automatically be locked (turns yellow). In order to continue moving this waypoint you need to first release ist by clicking it again.
    Note: Locked waypoints will not move.

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