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Upload, Align and Download a Point Cloud in the Legacy Sphere Viewer

Learn first steps on how to upload and align but also download a point cloud in the Legacy Sphere Viewer.

Written by Giancarlo Jimenez
Updated over 8 months ago


The FARO Legacy Sphere Viewer is now Sphere XG - an even more immersive cloud solution to cover all your needs. Talk to us to learn more and transition over! You can always reach us via email at, use the live chat feature in the bottom right corner on HoloBuilder or simply contact your go-to FARO representative.

Upload and Align a Point Cloud


Legacy Sphere is now Sphere XG - all new subscriptions will be for Sphere XG. Make sure to upgrade your Legacy Sphere License now!

Important information:

You must have access to an existing HoloBuilder project that contains at least one sheet to which you want to upload a Point Cloud.

You also need the Point Cloud Management add-on, which requires a separate license.


You can always reach us via email at, use the live chat feature in the bottom right corner on HoloBuilder or simply contact your go-to FARO representative.

Upload the Point Cloud

  1. Open a project in the HoloBuilder Dashboard and click the button
    Open in Legacy Sphere Viewer at the top right of the screen.

    Open in Sphere Viewer button

    The Legacy Sphere Viewer opens with the current project.

  2. In the project tree on the left side, select the sheet.

    Project tree panel

  3. Click to open the Import Point Cloud dropdown at the upper right of the screen and select Upload from your Computer.

    Import Point Cloud dropdown

    Please consider that the file size does not exceed the maximum of 20 GB.

  4. In the file selection window, select the point cloud file that you want to upload.

Please note:

Currently, the Point Cloud Management add on supports unified point clouds.

With a unified point cloud, scan positions and any associated panoramic images are lost, making the file size smaller.

The following types of point cloud files may be available:

  • E57:

    • Note that only the point cloud can be uploaded. Other data, such as panorama images will not be uploaded.

  • LAZ:

    • Compressed version of a LAS file that can be easily stored and shared.

  • CPE:

    • FARO proprietary compressed format.
      When importing scans from FARO devices, it is highly recommended to use this format.

Good to know:

  • While the point cloud is being loaded and processed, a progress bar at the top of the screen displays the loading status.

  • The status is also displayed in the project tree by means of a spinner icon .

  • If you hover the mouse over this icon, a tooltip with a linear progress bar is displayed.

  • You are notified about the loading and processing status at various stages.

Align the Point Cloud

  1. Once the point cloud is fully loaded and processed, click Align Point Cloud in the upper right corner. The Alignment tool opens.

  2. Click to insert an anchor point into the point cloud. The anchor point is displayed as a red pin icon.

  3. Holding the mouse key pressed, drag the point cloud to the position you want.

  4. Click to insert a second anchor point.


    We recommend placing the second anchor point diagonally to the first anchor point, see figure below.

  5. Scale and rotate the point cloud around these anchor points.


    If you want to translate the point cloud now press and hold the SHIFT key and then drag the point cloud with the mouse.

Example Point Cloud project


You can delete an anchor point by right-clicking it. Then you can reset the anchor point at the correct position.

Define the Point Cloud Height

  1. Click and hold anywhere in the view and rotate it to a side, front or back view, i.e., any view that provides a good sight at height differences between the floor plan and the Point Cloud.

  2. Click and hold any point on the green arrow to adjust the point cloud height.

    You can also click anywhere in the point cloud. Then, the grid will be moved to this position.

Adjust point cloud height

Confirm Alignment

If you want to make more changes to the point cloud alignment or the point cloud height, please click the Back button in the top right corner of the screen.

When you are satisfied with the Point cloud alignment and height, please click the

Confirm Alignment button in the top right corner of the screen.

Alignment completed message

Download HoloBuilder Project Point Clouds

To download the uploaded Point Cloud file:

  1. Click on the three dot More Options menu icon next to your Point Cloud in the project tree.

  2. Select in the menu entry Download Point Cloud.

    The point cloud will be downloaded to your computer.

Download Point Cloud option


You can always reach us via email at, use the live chat feature in the bottom right corner on the HoloBuilder platform or simply contact your go-to FARO representative.

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