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VideoMode: Best Practices

Learn how to get most from your 360° video captures by using best practices for VideoMode. Capture faster and with more confidence.

Written by Giancarlo Jimenez
Updated over 4 months ago

Capture faster, with more confidence and learn how to handle challenging environments.

Learn how to get most from your 360° video captures by using best practices for VideoMode.

General best practices

VideoMode is a great tool that allows you to capture your data very quickly. By following the best practices below, you will be able to create the best VideoMode results for your project.

Take your time

While VideoMode increases your capturing speed, as you don't have to stop to take a photo, please keep in mind that you should not rush.

In the end, your VideoMode data will be as good as the recorded video. If you walk too fast or move the camera vigorously, the images can be blurry, and the VideoMode algorithm will have trouble keeping track of your walking path. We recommend walking at a normal, steady pace.


For best VideoMode results, keep a steady pace. Think of taking a nice relaxing walk while VideoMode takes care of the rest.

Precisely mark the start/end point in the JobWalk app

To start/end your VideoMode recording you are required to mark your location on the sheet. Please make sure to zoom in and be very precise when marking your location.

The more precise you are in this step, the better the VideoMode path will be aligned to your sheet.

Capture one floor at a time

Capture one floor at a time

Don't move between floors in the same video capture. Instead, stop the recording, switch sheets in the JobWalk app, and start a new recording.

Do not end your video where you started

Do not end your video where you started

The video endpoint should not be close to the same spot where you started. Create some distance and make sure the start and end points are at least 5 m (15 ft) apart. Ideally, your start and end positions are in opposite corners (diagonally) on the floor plan, which is even better.


If you want to record one floor, instead of taking one long video where you walk from the stairwell around the floor and end close to the stairwell again, rather split capturing into 2 videos. Each video can match half of the circle.

Keep the camera steady and upright

Keep the camera steady and upright

To ensure good image quality and support the VideoMode algorithm in calculating your walking path later on, please avoid spinning or twisting the camera. Try to keep your motions smooth, and don't make any abrupt motions.

Stand still in small rooms to make sure a photo is taken

VideoMode captures data at a fixed rate so that you can review and share the 360 photos without effort. To make sure a photo is captured inside small rooms (e.g., a closet or storage room), stand still for about 3 seconds so that you can be sure a photo of the room is captured.

Do not turn off the mobile device screen

VideoMode will not work if the screen is turned off or minimized (due to a general limitation of Apple devices.) The JobWalk app forces the screen to stay “awake”, but manually turning it off will circumvent this measure and result in the recording to fail.

Walk slowly when moving into brighter/darker area

The camera needs time to adjust the exposure when there are large brightness changes.

Make sure to walk very slowly or even briefly stop when switching between dark and light (e.g., stepping outside), as otherwise images might turn out too bright/dark.

Over- or under-exposed images are not useful to you and may negatively impact the calculated walking path. Therefore make sure to give your 360° camera the time it needs to adjust the automatic exposure.

Test with meaningful data

If you want to test VideoMode, follow the mentioned best practices and record meaningful data. If you just record a few seconds of video without movement or even with the camera cover still on our VideoMode algorithm will not be able to provide you with proper results.

For recordings under such conditions, video processing will fail, resulting in no proper data display in your project and you not being able to evaluate VideoMode. Therefore, please make sure to test VideoMode under real-world conditions, ideally already on site where you want to use it later on.

Plan your VideoMode uploads

Upload times can be lengthy due to different variables (file size, device's processing speed, Wi-Fi, etc.). Due to the phone's requirements, uploads can not be performed without the app being active, thereby blocking your phone for other tasks. Please keep that in mind before beginning the upload.

Once the upload has started:

  • Do not disconnect from the internet

  • Do not minimize the app

  • Do not turn off the device’s screen

Any of the above will interrupt and cancel your upload, forcing you to start over.

Challenging environments to avoid

Some environments are perfect for VideoMode, while others may bring certain challenges. The VideoMode algorithm works through visuals and needs features to compare across individual video frames. Features are clearly recognizable areas in an image that don't move e.g. a street sign, a painting etc.

If there are no or only few features available due to one of the following conditions VideoMode restuls might not be the best.

Extreme lighting conditions

Extreme lighting conditions

If possible, avoid very dark and extremely bright areas. Images taken in a very dark/bright environment will turn out under/overexposed. These images are not properly usable for your documentation and can result in VideoMode being unable to track your walking path properly.


For dark environments, provide extra light sources to ensure good capturing results.

Large open areas

In large open areas, our VideoMode algorithm can have problems locating the users if the area is sparse in features. Since the algorithm requires capturing and comparing features across individual frames of your video, the fewer features are detectable, the more likely it is to lose capture data. Examples of large open areas include anything that shows the horizon, e.g., roads in deserts, tops of buildings, bridges, etc.


If you are working in large open areas, try to create artificial markers by keeping certain big equipment in one place during a video mode capture.

Featureless environments

Similar to large open areas, featureless areas are generally a challenge for the VideoMode algorithm. Featureless areas are, for example, empty environments with only smooth-painted glass walls or big mirrors. Smooth-painted hallways are typical examples of a featureless environment.

Think of a building where everything looks the same: each hallway has the same number of rooms, the same doors, no additional decor on the walls or in the hallway, etc. It's easy to get confused or lost, right? The algorithm feels the same way. As soon as you add something unique, e.g., a painting on the wall, or a plant in the hallway, it becomes easier to navigate.


If you have a featureless environment but still want to leverage VideoMode. Create your own markers, e.g., by printing out different shapes to pin on the walls.

Doors switching between open/closed and other visual cuts

As mentioned before, the VideoMode algorithm requires capturing and comparing features across individual frames of your video to add your data in the correct position on the sheet. If you walk through a door and close it, the change in the environment might be too fast, causing the algorithm to lose your position.

Keep doors open if possible. Otherwise, walk very slowly or even briefly stop when walking through doorframes to ensure VideoMode can keep track of your location. The same goes for everything where you might lose your spatial context, e.g., walking around a narrow corner, etc...

Short example: In one frame of the recording everything in room 1 is visible with the door shut to room 2. Then the door has been opened and closed while you walked through to room 2. Now in the next frame of the recording you only see room 2 and a closed door. For the algorithm it's not understandable what happened and where room 2 now fits into the walk.


Walk very slowly or even stop when walking through doorframes to ensure VideoMode can keep track of your location.

VideoMode best practices


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