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JobSite Analytics on the Sphere XG Dashboard - An Overview

Get better insights and track the overall development of your projects using JobSite Analytics on Sphere XG.

Anna-Azize Adami avatar
Written by Anna-Azize Adami
Updated over a week ago


NOTE: Most functionality in this section are part of the paid Premium Analytics feature, see also How to get more Insights with Premium Analytics on your HoloBuilder dashboard.

On these pages, you can find statistical and history data on:

You can compare and evaluate projects, users and general usage within a workspace. These insights help you to facilitate technology roll-outs and general adoption of Sphere XG:

  • Adoption tracking: Provides information on the project roll-out and adoption and shows which projects are using Sphere Legacy as intended and where improvements are possible.​

  • User Management: Provides information on the usage of Sphere Legacy which helps to identify where training may be required.

  • Benchmarking: Compare groups and projects to evaluate and facilitate learning and share best practices.

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