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Overview of Roles and Permissions on the Workspace and Project Level in Sphere XG

Find all roles and permissions available in Sphere XG as a matrix to provide a clear overview.

Anna-Azize Adami avatar
Written by Anna-Azize Adami
Updated over 6 months ago

Workspace and Project roles and permissions in Sphere XG

Note: 'Workspace Roles' are 'Company Roles' in HoloBuilder.

Below you can find a table overview of the permissions provided by the workspace roles and project roles:

  • Workspace Roles

    • Workspace Admin (WA)

    • Workspace Viewer (WV)

    • Group Manager (GM)

    • Project Manager (PM)

  • Project Roles

    • Project Admin (PA)

    • Project Editor (PE)

    • Project Viewer (PV)

Find the permissions overview on Workspace Level or Project Level below:

Permissions of all Roles on the Workspace Level

Depending on your role, you have the following permissions on the workspace level:









Access the workspace

View list of active projects on the workspace

View active projects on the workspace

View list of archived projects of the workspace

View archived projects of the workspace

View all workspace members

Delete members from the workspace

Add Workspace Admins and Workspace Viewers to the workspace

Add Group Managers to the workspace

Only in group to which you belong

Add Project Managers to the workspace

Only in group to which you belong

Change lower-level workspace roles of users

Create groups

Only if permission granted by WA

Create projects

Only in group to which you belong

Only in group to which you belong

Access analytics (Enterprise feature)

Change workspace settings

Enable extensions and integrations

Enable face blurring for a project (Enterprise feature)

Can enable/disable the 2D photo feature for a project (*)

Can enable/disable the VideoMode feature for a project (*)

Can see & edit the Annotations list for a project (**)

Can see the SnapShots overview (Incl. on selected subscriptions) (*)

Only Snap-Shots shared with you

Only Snap-Shots shared with you

Only Snap-Shots shared with you

Can manage the shared SnapShots (Incl. on selected subscriptions) (*)

(*) Feature only available on the HoloBuilder Dashboard

(**) Feature only available on the Sphere XG Dashboard

Permissions of all Roles on the Project Level

Depending on your role, you have the following permissions on the project level:









View active projects in which you have a role

Archive projects

Only if you are a member of the assigned group.

Only if you are the assigned PM of the project.

Unarchive projects

Only if you are a member of the assigned group.

Only if you are the assigned PM of the project.

View archived projects

Only if you are a member of the assigned group.

Only if you are the assigned PM of the project.

Delete archived projects

Only if you are a member of the assigned group.

Only if you are the assigned PM of the project.

Be part of another Workspace

Add a Project Admin to a project in which you have a role

Add a Project Editor to a project in which you have a role

Add a Project Viewer to a project in which you have a role

Remove a project team member from a project in which you have a role

Access and edit properties of projects in which you have a role

Change access level of projects in which you have a role

Share a private project in which you have a role

Share a public project in which you have a role (shareable via link)

Edit a project in which you have a role

Add 360° images (in the JobWalk app) to a project in which you have a role (Incl. on selected subscriptions) (*)

Delete 360° images and other content from a project in which you have a role (Incl. on selected subscriptions) (*)

Add Point Clouds & 3D Models to a project in which you have a role (Incl. on selected subscriptions) (**)

Delete Point Clouds & 3D Models (and any other content) from a project in which you have a role (Incl. on selected subscriptions) (**)

Add & Delete 2D images on the sheet (*)

Add an Annotation (**) / Markup (*) in a project

Edit an Annotation (**) / Markup (*) in a project

View Annotation (**) / Markup (*) in a project

Make Measurements in a project (*)(**)

Does not save.

Does not save.

Create new SnapShot for a Project (Incl. on selected subscriptions) (*)

(*) Feature only available in the HoloBuilder Web Editor/Viewer

(**) Feature only available on the Sphere XG Viewer

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