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Permission & Roles - Workspace Roles in Sphere XG

Learn more about the permissions & roles on a Workspace level available on your Sphere XG dashboard.

Anna-Azize Adami avatar
Written by Anna-Azize Adami
Updated over a week ago

Note: 'Workspace Roles' are 'Company Roles' in HoloBuilder.

A workspace role is a list of general permissions within a workspace. Users with workspace roles have access to more features in Sphere XG than users with project roles. This also means that they can use and/or view more Sphere XG features.

The following workspace roles are available in Sphere XG:

Users can have more than one workspace and project role. For example, a Group Manager may also be Project Admin in the same workspace or another workspace.

Permissions of the 'Workspace Admin' Role

A workspace may have more than one Workspace Admin. This role has the most extensive permissions in Sphere XG.

Project Permissions

Workspace Admins can:

  • Create new projects.

  • Change the management of existing projects (group assignment, Group Manager, Project Manager).

  • View and edit all projects in the workspace.

  • View and edit project properties of all projects in the Workspace Admin.

  • Share projects of the workspace.

  • Archive projects.

  • Delete projects from the workspace.

User-related Permissions

Workspace Admins can:

  • Invite new members (users).

  • Assign workspace or project roles to members.

  • View and edit permissions for all members and roles in the workspace.

  • Create new groups.

  • Add new Group Managers to any group of the workspace.

  • Delete users from a workspace.

Permissions of the 'Workspace Viewer' Role

The main difference to the Workspace Admin role is that the Workspace Viewer has only viewing access.

Project Permissions

Workspace Viewers can:

  • View the active projects of the workspace.

  • View the properties of the active projects of the workspace.

  • View the list of archived projects.
    However, the Workspace Viewer cannot open archived projects.

Workspace Viewers cannot:

  • Edit projects and project properties.

User-related Permissions

Workspace Viewers can:

  • View all user and group information of the workspace.

Workspace Viewers cannot:

  • Invite members to a workspace or a project.

  • Change user roles.

Permissions of the 'Group Manager' Role

Each project has a Project Manager and is assigned to a group. The group manages the project access. Each group has one or more Group Managers. This means that Group Managers are responsible for the projects, Project Managers and members of their group.

Project Permissions

Group Managers can:

  • Create new projects within this group.

  • View and edit the project properties of the projects.

  • View and change roles of all projects which belong to their group.

  • Share projects which belong to their group.

  • Archive projects which belong to the group.

  • Delete projects which belong to the group.

User-related Permissions

Group Managers can:

  • Create new groups.

  • View all members and their roles for the groups for which the user is Group Manager.

  • Invite Group Managers and Project Managers to the group.

  • Change users and their project roles, i.e. Project Admin, Project Editor and Project Viewer, for projects which belong to the group.

  • Add Project Admins, Project Editors and Project Viewers to a project which belongs to the group.

  • Delete Project Admins, Project Editors and Project Viewers from a project which belongs to the group.

Group Managers cannot:

  • Invite new Workspace Admins or Workspace Viewers.

  • Grant the Workspace Admin or Workspace Admin role to existing users.

Permissions of the 'Project Manager' Role

Despite the name, the Project Manager is a role at group level and not at a project level. Project Managers can be assigned to more that one group with different Group Managers.

Project Permissions

Project Managers can:

  • Create new projects within the group in which the Project Manager is a member.

  • View and change projects for which he/she has the Project Manager role.

  • View and edit the project properties of the projects for which he/she has the Project Manager role.

  • View and change roles of all projects for which he/she has the Project Manager role.

  • Share projects for which he/she has the Project Manager role.

  • Archive projects for which he/she has the Project Manager role.

  • Delete projects for which he/she has the Project Manager role.

Project Managers cannot:

  • Move archived projects back to tab Active.

User-related Permissions

Project Managers can:

  • Change users and their project roles, i.e. Project Admin, Project Editor and Project Viewer, but only for projects for which the Project Manager is responsible.

  • Add Project Admins, Project Editors and Project Viewers to a project for which the Project Manager is responsible.

  • Delete Project Admins, Project Editors and Project Viewers from a project for which the Project Manager is responsible.

Project Managers cannot:

  • View all users and user roles of the workspace.

  • Invite users to the workspace.

  • Assign workspace roles to existing users.

Visible Task Panel Entries

The Project Managers can access the following task panel entries:

  • Projects

  • Add-ons

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