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Align a Sheet to a Point Cloud

Learn more about how to manually align a sheet to a point cloud

Anna-Azize Adami avatar
Written by Anna-Azize Adami
Updated over 2 months ago

You can align a sheet to a point cloud.

It is recommended to align the sheet to the point cloud or a 3D model and not vice versa, because a sheet generally has an arbitrary coordinate system. If you need to align the point cloud to the sheet, the workflow is sightly different, see explanations in Align a Point Cloud to a Sheet below.

You should only align a sheet to a point cloud if you have imported a floorplan separately, for example in .pdf format. For projects which already contain an overview map, this alignment step is not recommended.

Open the Alignment Tool

  1. Click the three-dots icon of the sheet to open the context menu.

  2. Select menu entry Align .
    The alignment tool is displayed.

  3. Select the reference element.

  4. Click Align in the top right corner to open the alignment tool.

For more information on the alignment tool, see Align Point Clouds, 3D Models and Sheets.

Set the Point Cloud Elevation

  1. Click and hold anywhere in the view and rotate it to a side, front or back view, i.e., any view that provides a good sight at height differences between the floor plan(sheet) and the point cloud.

  2. Click anywhere in the point cloud to move the sheet to this position.

You can also click and hold any point on the green arrow and then drag to adjust the point cloud elevation.

Adjusting sheet elevation using vertical handles
  1. Click Next in the top right corner to go to the alignment window.

Perform Horizontal Alignment

The horizontal alignment can be determined using either point pairs, or an overlay mode. You can also use both methods in the order described below.

For a better visibility, you can zoom in and out with the mouse wheel.

Method 1: Point Pairs in Sheet and Point Cloud

By default, the sheet and the point cloud are displayed in a horizontal split screen. If you feel more comfortable in a vertical split screen, you can click icon on the right middle side of the screen.

  1. Click a location in the sheet model, for example a corner.

  2. Then find and click the same location in the point cloud.

You can move a marker by clicking and then dragging it.

Aligning sheet to point cloud using corner markers

If the sheet is rotated with respect to the point cloud, repeat steps above a second time to lock the rotation.

To remove a marker, right-click it.

By default, the reference element is displayed with a cross section at the defined elevation. To deactivate the cross section and show the full reference element in a tomographic view, click the icon.

Method 2: Overlay Point Cloud and Sheet

In the top right of the screen, click the Overlay button.

You can preview the result of the point-pair alignment described above using the overlay mode.

You can also refine the alignment in this mode, by following the steps below:

  1. Click the sheet to set the anchor point.

  2. Click and drag that anchor point to move the sheet around.

  3. Click and drag away from the anchor point to rotate the sheet.

  4. To resize the sheet to the size of the point cloud: Set a second anchor point, then click and hold one of the anchor points to resize the sheet.

You can zoom in and out using the mouse wheel to check the alignment.

To remove the anchor point, right-click it.

Example of a sheet overlaid on a point cloud

Confirm Alignment

If you want to make more changes to the elevation or the alignment, click the Back button in the top right corner of the screen.

When you are satisfied with the elevation and alignment, click Confirm Alignment in the top right corner of the screen.

You are redirected to the Sphere XG Viewer.

Check Alignment and Elevation

  1. Click icon in the view toolbar on the lower left side of the point cloud to go to the 3D view.

  2. Rotate and drag the point cloud to check whether the alignment and elevation compared to the sheet are satisfactory.

Otherwise, you can repeat the procedure as described above.

Make Sheet Visible in Point Cloud

If you want to do an alignment check later in the , you can do so by decreasing the point cloud opacity to make the sheet visible again, see also Make Point Cloud, 3D Model or Sheet Visible in Your Project.

Align a Point Cloud to a Sheet

The Sphere XG Sphere XG Viewer also allows assigning a point cloud to a sheet. However, it is not recommended to align a point cloud to a sheet, because a sheet usually has an arbitrary coordinate system. By aligning the point cloud to the sheet, the coordinate system and the geolocation of the point cloud will be changed.

If the situation requires that you align the point cloud to the sheet, note the following differences regarding the procedure.

The procedure starts with the horizontal alignment followed by setting the elevation. The toolbar on the right side provides the following functions for the alignment.

Reset Scale: If you click Reset Scale, you can scale the point cloud to fit the sheet on the screen. Note however, that in fact the sheet is resized to match the point cloud. You can only use the other buttons of this toolbar if the Reset Scale button is active. If the button is active, it turns blue.

Re-center Point Cloud on Sheet: Re-centers the position of the point cloud on the sheet.

Change Up Axis of Point Cloud: Rotates the point cloud around the x-axis in 90° steps. This results in both, the y-axis and z-axis moving at the same time.

Set the Elevation

Setting the elevation works the same as described in Set the Point Cloud Elevation above.

If you want to read this article in a different language currently not available in this Help Center, please refer to the Sphere XG User Manuel here under .

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