You can align a sheet manually to a 3D model.
Aligning the sheet will position the waypoints and 360° images relative to the 3D model. You can then visualize those 360° images side-by-side with the 3D model in split screen view.
Open the Alignment Tool
Click the three-dots icon
of the sheet to open the context menu.
Select menu entry Align
The alignment tool is displayed.Select the 3D model to which you want to align the sheet.
Click Align in the top right corner to open the alignment tool.
For more information on the alignment tool, see Align Point Clouds, 3D Models and Sheets.
Set the Elevation
Select the level you want from dropdown list Level.
This dropdown list contains the levels imported from the 3D model. Selecting a level also fills field Elevation.
Alternatively, you can set the elevation by picking elements in the 3D model or entering a numerical value in the Elevation field.
Perform Horizontal Alignment
The horizontal alignment can be determined using either point pairs, or an overlay mode. You can also use both methods in the order described below.
For a better visibility, you can zoom in and out with the mouse wheel.
Method 1: Point Pairs in Sheet and 3D Model
By default, the sheet and the point cloud are displayed in a horizontal split screen. If you feel more comfortable in a vertical split screen, you can click icon on the right middle side of the screen, see also figure below.
Click a location in the 3D model, for example a corner.
Then find and click the same location in the sheet.
You can move a marker by clicking and then dragging it.
If the 3D model is rotated with respect to the sheet, repeat steps above a second time to lock the rotation.
To remove marker, right-click it.
By default, the reference element is displayed with a cross section at the defined elevation. To deactivate the cross section and show the full reference element in a tomographic view, click the icon.
Method 2: Overlay Sheet and 3D Model
In the top right of the screen, click the Overlay button.
You can preview the result of the point-pair alignment described above using the overlay mode.
You can also refine the alignment in the overlay mode as follows:
Click the sheet to set an anchor point.
Click and drag that anchor point to move the 3D model around.
Click and drag away from the anchor point to rotate the 3D model.
To resize the sheet to the size of the 3D model: Set a second anchor point, then click and hold one of the anchor points to resize the sheet.
You can zoom in and out using the mouse wheel to check the alignment.
To remove an anchor point, right-click it.
Confirm Alignment
Once the alignment meets your expectations, click the Confirm Alignment button.
The 3D model is now aligned to the sheet and you are redirected to the Sphere XG Viewer.
Make Sheet Visible in 3D Model
If you want to do an alignment check later in the Sphere XG Viewer, you can do so by decreasing the 3D model's opacity to make the sheet visible again, see also Make Point Cloud, 3D Model or Sheet Visible in Your Project.
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