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How to invite collaborators to your Sphere XG Dashboard
How to invite collaborators to your Sphere XG Dashboard

Invite collaborators to your Sphere XG dashboard to grant them the right to view, edit and manage company projects.

Anna-Azize Adami avatar
Written by Anna-Azize Adami
Updated over 2 months ago

Add users to your company dashboard to give them individual access to view, edit or even administrate permissions within the company's Enterprise Dashboard.

NOTE: Only Enterprise Admins (EA) and Group Managers (GM) can invite more users to a company dashboard or change a user's role in the company.

User can be invited to a company in 2 ways:

  • In the Members

  • In a Group

Invite a user to Sphere XG Dashboard

FARO Sphere XG Workspace Dashboard - User Management

List of Members

The Members[TODO LINK] page shows the list of users who are members of the currently active workspace with username, email address and their workspace role. Column Status shows whether users are active or pending, i.e. have not yet accepted the invitation to the project.

Hovering the mouse pointer over a user, displays the following options:

Selects the current user. To select all users, mark the Select all checkbox at the top of the list.

Remove the user from the project. Note that you cannot undo this, but you can invite the user again later.

Invite a user to the dashboard by 'Groups'

FARO Sphere XG Workspace Dashboard - Group Management

Click the task panel entry Groups to open this page. By default, groups are displayed in a tile view, but you can also toggle between tile and list view.

All groups on this page belong to the currently active workspace.

Groups in Sphere XG reflect a user hierarchy either in terms of the company, in terms of responsibilities and so on for every project. Projects are always created with an assignment to a group to determine who manages project access and who is responsible for a project. Groups may have more than one Group Manager or Project Manager.

For additional information please see Roles and Permissions.

The bulk invite is a simple way of inviting several people at once to your Dashboard or a project in the Company Dashboard. But be aware that you need to hold the role of Group Manager or Enterprise Admin to use this feature. Otherwise you do not have the necessary permissions to invite anyone to the Company Dashboard.

Please recognize though that this feature is only helpful if you assign each user to the same company role as well as the same user group, e.g. several Group Managers at once.
If they get assigned to different roles, you do in fact need to invite them separately.

How to invite several users to the same company role

  1. Open your Sphere Dashboard and find the User Directory tab under Admin in the menu bar on the left side of your screen.

    Note: The same applies also when inviting users directly to a group in your dashboard.

  2. Now, select the black Invite User button in the upper right corner in order to invite new users to you Dashboard.

Members tab, invite member, invite user summary

3. A new window will pop up. Choose the HoloBuilder role that you would like to assign to the group of new users. ​

4. In the second box, type in the email address of a user that you would like to invite. Then press enter or the space bar to log in the address.

Note: You can also copy a list of user email addresses separated by a semicolon, space or comma.

5. You can add as many more email addresses as you want. Once you have entered all new users that you would like to invite for the selected role and group, select Invite and the respective users will receive a role invite via email.

Invite member dialog window

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