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Project Privacy Settings on Sphere XG

Learn everything there is to know about your avaible privacy settings on project level on the Sphere XG platform.

Anna-Azize Adami avatar
Written by Anna-Azize Adami
Updated over 8 months ago

There are two kinds of access levels for your projects: 'Via Link' and 'Private' access:

  • 'Via Link' access level means that the project can be seen by everyone with the link.

  • 'Private' access level means that the project can only be seen by users who are logged in and invited to the project.

Please note that in for private projects it is required that the user has to be both, invited and logged in, even if they have the link.

Changing the project access level in the Sphere XG Dashboard

The access level can be changed for each project individually in the Sphere XG Dashboard on the project details.

  1. Go to the Projects overview in the Dashboard.

  2. Open the Active tab.

  3. Select a project by clicking on the project tile.

  4. Open the Overview tab.

  5. In the project Overview tab, click on the drop-down below the Access Level details.

  6. In the drop-down choose Via Link or Private.

    1. Any changes to the Access Level will become effective immediately when selecting the preferred option.

Inviting users to private projects

Private projects can only be accessed by logged in users. In order for someone to view or edit a private project, this person needs to have his own Sphere XG account and an invitation for the project with the registered email address.

You have two ways to add a user with the right access permissions to a private project in the Sphere XG Dashboard:

  1. directly in the project as a project member in the Team tab, or

  2. as a Group member for the project's assigned collaborator group.

Note: There are different access roles on the project level and company level you can choose from depending on the right and permissions a collaborator should have.

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