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Sphere XG & HoloBuilder Uptime Overview

Keep an overview of the FARO cloud services' uptime and easy insight on possible downtimes experienced.

Anna-Azize Adami avatar
Written by Anna-Azize Adami
Updated over a week ago

Stay up to date with Sphere XG and HoloBuilder server status


Sphere XG and HoloBuilder Status Page

Sphere XG / HoloBuilder are cloud services hosted on the Microsoft Azure server. As there can be outages and other downtimes, e.g. due to maintenance work or possible issues encountered on the servers, we provide an easy overview to keep track of these and get further insight if there was a downtime on any one of our services.

Please go to the Server Status Page to get a detailed overview of the uptime of all Sphere XG & HoloBuilder services.

What information can be found on the Sphere XG "Status Page"

The status page is split into 4 sections:

  • Header

  • Uptime (Last 90 days)

  • Overall Uptime

  • Status updates (Last 7 days)

All information is update every 60 seconds.

The header

The header provides a general overview to see

  • at one glance what the status of all systems is (operational vs. down),

  • when the last downtime of any of the services was detected, and

  • when the next site refresh was/will be.

Status page header for Sphere XG / HoloBuilder Uptime monitoring

Uptime (Last 90 days)

In this section you can find a list of all FARO cloud services and their daily uptime for the past 90 days.

Services Overview

The list includes all services we host for both, our .EU as well as .COM server options:

  • (.COM)/(.EU) API: This is the main API that the dashboard interacts with.

  • (.COM)/(.EU) Company Dashboard: This is the HoloBuilder Company Dashboard to manage your projects and teams.

  • (.COM)/(.EU) File Storage API: This is the API the HoloBuilder Web Editor and Sphere XG Viewer use to upload and download files.

  • (.COM)/(.EU) File Storage API (legacy): A previous version of the File Storage API that is still in use by older HoloBuilder projects (see 'File Storage API').

  • (.COM)/(.EU) Progress API: This is the API that allows to display updates on your project data for long running background jobs like processing of point clouds or 360 videos as part of VideoMode.

  • (.COM)/(.EU) Project API: This is the API that serves the project content allowing viewing and modifying your projects.

  • (.COM)/(.EU) Sphere Dashboard: This is the Sphere XG Company Dashboard to manage your projects and teams.

  • (.COM)/(.EU) Sphere Viewer: This is the Sphere XG Viewer to work and view your projects.

  • (.COM)/(.EU) Web Editor: This is the HoloBuilder Web Editor to work and view your projects.

For each service you can see an overview of the uptime for the past 90 days:

  1. Service for which the 90 day uptime is displayed.
    Note: You can click on the service name to get an even more detailed view of this services past uptime (see below for more information)

  2. Overall uptime in % for the past 90 days.

  3. Current status of this service (operational vs. down).

  4. Daily uptime display for the past 90 days with color coding from green to red depending of the % of uptime on that day.
    Note: You can hover over a day to see the day's overall uptime in %.

Overview of uptime for each Sphere XG/HoloBuilder service over the last 90 days

Overall Uptime

The overall uptime indicates the uptime for all services combined as a percentage for the

  • last 24 hours

  • last 7 days

  • last 30 days

  • last 90 days

Overall uptime of all Sphere XG/HoloBuilder services over different time periods

Status updates (Last 7 days)

In the "Last 7 days" status update, you can find an overview of downtimes for the different services that have been registered during the past 7 days.

For each registered event, you can see:

  1. The date when this event was registered.

  2. The type of event (down vs. running).

  3. The name of the affected service and which server this is on (.COM vs .EU).

  4. The total time the service was out on this day.
    Note: This is the total time, meaning that it could also be that the service was out multiple times for shorter periods. Details on this can be found when clicking "See details".

  5. Number of registered downtimes on this day.

  6. Link to see more details on the up-/downtime events for this particular service.
    See the section Service Details to learn more on this.

Up- or downtime event for a specific Sphere XG or HoloBuilder service on the Status Page

Service Details

Click on a service in the list to get more details on that particular service's uptime.

Same as for the collective of all FARO cloud services, you can also see a detailed overview for an individual service you are interested in.

There are 5 sections to provide you a more detailed insight on the uptime of this specific service for the corresponding period of time (typically 90 days):

  • The header: Indicates the current status of this service.

  • Uptime (Last 90 days): Same as for the services overview, this hows the uptime percentage for each day for the past 90 days.

  • Overall Uptime: Shows the uptime percentage for this particular service for the last

    • 24 hours

    • 7 days

    • 30 days

    • 90 days

  • Response Time (Last 90 days): Shows the response time of the selected service for the last 90 days incl. the

    • avg. response time

    • max. response time

    • min. response time

  • Recent events: Lists in detail all the events that occured for this service for each up- and downtime incl. an explanation ("Detail") on why the downtime occured.
    Note: You can load more events at the bottom to go further into the past.

    Detailed events for a Sphere XG or HoloBuilder service on the Status Page

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