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Sphere XG Viewer Capture Tab - Working with the 2D View, 3D View and Walk Mode
Sphere XG Viewer Capture Tab - Working with the 2D View, 3D View and Walk Mode

This article describes the different views/modes when you open a project on the Sphere XG viewer including the available menus.

Anna-Azize Adami avatar
Written by Anna-Azize Adami
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Working with the 2D View, 3D View and Walk Mode

The project structure view is available in the 2D View in the 3D view and in the walk mode view. You can collapse and expand the project structure view by clicking the triangle icons at the top left of the screen.

Capture Tab: Icons and Elements in the Project Structure View

It contains all elements of your project in the tree view. The elements in the tree view are displayed with icons that provide information of the content:

Icons & Elements


Below the sheet, the project elements are shown in a folder called 4D. Apart from the usual three dimensions, the time dimension is available via captures of the same location that were taken at different times. For example, this is helpful to watch the progress on a construction site. This time travel is also available as a dropdown list in the 2D view, the 3D view and the walk mode view if captures at different points of time are available.

Point cloud

Mobile scan

Flash scan

360° image, i.e. static HoloBuilder captures, see Capture 360° photos and create tours with the JobWalk App.

VideoMode capture, see VideoMode - A short overview in the HoloBuilder Help Center.

The following additional icons may be displayed on top of one of the above-mentioned icons to provide more information:

The element requires additional action. For example, this icon is displayed on a point cloud icon () when the point cloud has not yet been aligned to the sheet. You can access the required information by clicking the three-dots icon to open the context menu.

If this icon is displayed on a point cloud icon, the point cloud has been georeferenced or you have marked it as georeferenced. You can mark a point cloud as georeferenced by clicking the three-dots icon to open the context menu and selecting option Treat as georeferenced.

Sphere XG is subject to continuous development. Therefore, the above list may not be complete.

Three-dots menu

Depending on the element, the three-dots menu provides different options:

Set Scale: Sets the scale of a sheet or grid, see Set the Scale of a Sheet or Grid.

Align to Sheet: Aligns a point cloud to a sheet, see Align a Point Cloud to a Sheet.

Register to: Runs a pairwise point cloud registration, see Run a Pairwise Registration on Point Clouds.

Align to 3D Model: Aligns a point cloud or a sheet to a 3D model, see Align a Point Cloud to a 3D Model and Align a Sheet to a 3D Model.

Treat as georeferenced: Marks the point cloud as georeferenced.

Download Point Cloud: Downloads the point cloud file to your computer.

Edit: Allows editing the element name and in some cases also the time stamp. Note that this is not possible for all elements.

Move: Moves a point cloud to another sheet.

Delete: Deletes the element. Note that you cannot undo the deletion once it is confirmed.

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Capture Tab: 2D View

The 2D View is the standard view that will be shown on opening a project from the Sphere XG Dashboard. If you are currently in another view, click icon in the toolbar on the lower left side to open the 2D view.

It shows the sheet of your project. If your uploaded project has more than one sheet, they are sorted in alphabetical order.

Icons & Elements

Time travel: If there are more than one point clouds, Flash scans or 360 ° images in the project, you can select these elements from the dropdown list to "go through time", i.e. see the status of a project at various points in time.

2D view of the project: If a project has been uploaded, an overview plan or a sheet is created automatically. The 2D view shows this sheet. In the figure above, you can see the following objects:

If you click a waypoint, a Flash scan or a 360 ° image, the view changes to the walk mode view assuming the perspective from the selected point.

Click this button to import a point cloud or a 3D model from your computer.

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Capture Tab: 3D View

The 3D view shows the selected point cloud in a 3D view and the sheet. You can open the 3D view by clicking icon in the toolbar on the lower left side.

Icons & Elements

Capture Tab: The 3D View in the FARO Sphere XG Viewer showing a Point Cloud
Capture Tab: The 3D View in the FARO Sphere XG Viewer Showing a 3D Model

Time travel: If there are more than one point clouds, Flash scans or 360° images in the project, you can select these elements from the dropdown list to "go through time", i.e. see the status of a project at various points in time.

3D view of the project. If your project also contains a 3D model, you can switch between the 3D model and point cloud and also overlay the 3D model and the point cloud, see bullet point below. If your project contains a floorplan or an overview map as sheet (and not only a grid), the sheet is also displayed in the 3D view. You can vary the opacity of the point cloud, the 3D model and the sheet via the toolbar on the right side, see Make Point Cloud, 3D Model or Sheet Visible in Your Project. This may be helpful to verify the alignment or registration result, especially if you combine this feature with the overlay feature.

The icons in the 3D view may contain:

With the buttons Point Cloud and 3D Model, you can change between the point cloud and the 3D model. By clicking icon , you can put the point cloud and the 3D model on top of each other, see also figure above. This also helps to check if both objects are well aligned or registered.

If your project was captured with the Orbis scanner (external link) and contains mobile scans as well as Flash scans, the point cloud icon has a dropdown list from which you can select either the mobile scan or the Flash scan. You can find further information in the Orbis user manual in chapter Flash Scans (external link).

Capture Tab: 2D View in the FARO Sphere XG Viewer - Scan selection dropdown

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Capture Tab: Walk Mode

This view allows you to move ("walk") through 360° images, point clouds, Flash scans and 3D models.

Icons & Elements

There are two ways to access the walk mode view:

  • Click icon in the toolbar on the lower left side.

  • In the 2D view, click a waypoint (blue dots) or a Flash scan or 360° image (blue and white dots).

  • The walk mode view is opened.

  • To move in the walk mode view, you can:

    • Pan left, right, up and down with the left mouse button.

    • Zoom in and out with the mouse wheel.

    • Click the next waypoint, a Flash scan or a 360° image.

Capture Tab: Walk mode view in the FARO Sphere XG Viewer
Capture Tab: Walk mode split view in the FARO Sphere XG Viewer

Time travel: If there are more than one point clouds, Flash scans or 360° images in the project, you can select these elements from the dropdown list to "go through time", i.e. see the status of a project at various points in time.

Toggle View buttons: 

  • Depending on the objects in your project, you can toggle the view between these objects by clicking the corresponding button. In the example above, you can toggle between the 360° image, the point cloud and the 3D model.

  • By clicking icon you can create an overlay between the point cloud and the 3D model.

  • You can then vary the opacity of one or the other via the view-specific toolbar, i.e. clicking the icon and then reducing or increasing the opacity with the sliders. For further information, see also Make a Sheet Black and White.

Mini view: Shows a 2D view of your project.

  • The light blue triangle pointing away from the waypoint, Flash scan or 360° image is your current perspective.

  • If you hover the mouse pointer over the mini view, the size is increased.

  • You can change to the full-screen view by clicking icon .

  • You can hide the mini view by clicking icon .

Split screen: If you click button , the screen is divided vertically. You can now use the buttons described in point to display one object per side. In the figure above (Walk mode split view), the left side shows the 3D model and the right side shows the point cloud. The split screen view now provides the following icons to help you "walk" through the project:

  • Lock orientation: Locks the two views regarding their orientation, i.e. if you turn around in one view, the other view will follow.

  • Follow to selected waypoint: If you click a waypoint in one view to go to this waypoint, Flash scan or 360° image, the other view will follow.

  • Save 360° image orientation: Open a 360° image in one view and a point cloud in the other, then click this button.

If you want to read this article in a different language currently not available in this Help Center, please refer to the Sphere XG User Manual under .

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