This section shows the available extensions and integrations for the workspace.
Extensions Tab
This tab shows the extensions you can request to enhance Sphere XG with additional features. Currently active extensions are displayed with an Active blurb.
The number of extensions you can use, depends on the current Sphere XG subscription.
Clicking on a tile opens a side panel with a short description and a link to more extensive information about the extensions.
To request an additional extensions as a Workspace Admin:
Click the tile of the extensions which you want to add.
In the side panel, click the Request button.
Optional: Leave a comment for the FARO sales team.
The FARO sales team will submit an offer for the extensions you requested.
NOTE: This feature will be available soon.
Integrations are third-party products, which you can integrate into your work with Sphere XG. Currently, Autodesk BIM 360 and Procore are available as integrations.
Clicking the Enable button opens a new browser tab in which you can establish a connection between the third-party product and the Sphere XG workspace.
If you want to read the most recent translation of this article in a language currently not available in this Help Center, refer to the Sphere XG User Manual here under .