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Project Management on the Sphere XG Dashboard - Working with the Annotations List
Project Management on the Sphere XG Dashboard - Working with the Annotations List

Learn more about assigning and managing annotations for streamlined workflows in FARO Sphere XG.

Anna-Azize Adami avatar
Written by Anna-Azize Adami
Updated over a month ago

Working with the Annotations List

On this tab, the annotations of the project are listed. You can also assign annotations to another user and set a status. For more information on annotations, see Create and Manage Annotations.

To open this tab:

  1. Select the entry Projects in the task panel.

  1. Click a project tile or list entry.

  1. Click tab Annotations.

The following page is displayed:

View on the Annotations Tab of the FARO Sphere XG Dashboard (Project Management)

Open in Sphere XG: Opens the project in the Sphere XG Viewer. Depending on your setup, you can also open the drop down and select Open in HoloBuilder.

Filters: You can filter according to the user who created the annotation, assigned tags, status and the due date. You can define these parameters when you create or edit an annotation. The number of active filters is displayed on the filter button, for example

for one active filter.

Search: Allows searching for an annotation name. The list of annotations is adapted while you are typing.

Export CSV: Export content in .csv format.

Annotation Summary

Example Annotation Summary

The list header shows the total number of annotations and whether or not they have been completed. Overdue annotations are displayed in red.

Annotations List

This list contains the annotation properties that you can define while creating the annotation. Note that it is not mandatory to assign a user, a status or a due date to an annotation. You can also just use annotations as additional information markers in a project.

In the list, the annotations are displayed with the following information:

Selects the current annotation. To select all annotations, mark the checkbox at the top of the list.

Name: Name of the annotation.

Assignee: Name of the user to whom the annotation is currently assigned. You can change the assignee on this tab.

Due date: Date on which the work on the annotation must be completed. If an annotation is overdue, the date is displayed in red.

Status: The status of the annotation. You can change the status on this tab.

Sheet/Scene: The sheet and the scene, for example a scan, on which the annotation is located.

Tags: Name of a tag which is assigned to the annotation. If more than one tag is assigned, the number of further tags is displayed, for example +1 if there is a total of two tags.

Attachments: Shows the number of attachments of the annotation.

Edit, Share and Open an Annotation

Clicking an annotation opens a side bar on the right side.

On the Info tab of this side bar, the following options are available:

Annotation Info menu

Share: Opens a popup with a link to the annotation which you can copy. You can then send this link via email or other communication tool to a colleague.

Open annotation: Opens the annotation in the Sphere XG or Sphere XG Viewer.

Edit: You can edit the name, status, due date and description of the annotation by clicking the intended item.

Sync with: Only possible if an annotation to a 360° image was made in the WebEditor. There, you can select Autodesk BIM or Procore while creating an annotation. For more information, see the Adding Markups directly in your 360° scene.

On the Attachments tab of this side bar the following options are available:

Add attachments menu

New Attachment: drag and drop a file onto the upload field or click the link to select a file from your file system. Note that the maximum file size of an attachment is 1GB.

Download all: Click the Download all link to download all attachments.

View attachment: Click the attachment to open or download it. Images are displayed directly in the browser tab, other files which can be opened in the browser, for example .pdf files, are opened in a new browser tab. Files which cannot be opened in the browser, e.g. .txt files, are downloaded.

If you hover the mouse pointer over an attachment, the following options are shown:

Download the current attachment.

Delete the current attachment.

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